The real Wolf of Wall Street was in Córdoba and showered Argentina with praise: “Impressed!”

He real Wolf of Wall Street was in Córdoba with his wife from Villa María. He spent several days in our province and also in Buenos Aires, according to what he himself said on his social networks.

Back to the United States, Jordan Belfort filled Argentina with praise, which he classified as “promising and with infinite possibilities.” “I’m absolutely impressed!” he said.

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“I love Argentina, it’s a very interesting country, but in the past, the government really got it into a mess. Hopeful I believe that everything has changed”said the addicted, womanizing and uncontrolled stockbroker on whose life the film directed by Martin Scorsese was based.

And he added with more qualities of the country: “Everything is in its favor: It has great people, educated people, natural resources. I have the entire Argentine technical team, some of the best programmers and workers.

Then, he detailed where he was staying during his stay: “A friend of mine has a polo ranch just outside of Buenos Aires. Furthermore, my wife is from Córdoba, so I spent a lot of time in Córdoba. So yes, I love Argentina.”

The story of the real Wolf of Wall Street

Belfort became known worldwide after the release of the famous film starring Leonardo DiCaprio, in 2013. Scorsese’s film was mainly supported in two books that the former broker wrote about his life story.

The one born in New York He earned up to 10 million dollars a daybut in 1998 he ended up accused of fraud, money laundering and stock market manipulation.

After spending several months in prison, the 61-year-old man changed his life and is now speaker, motivational speaker and sales consultant. Gone is that unbridled life full of excesses shown in the iconic film that was all the rage years ago.

Belfort has been married for two years to Cristina Invernizzi, a 34-year-old girl from Villa María whom he met in Mexico during the pandemic. The woman from Córdoba is a model and actress.

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