Protesting is not a crime: they marched in Paraná for the freedom of those detained for rejecting the Bases Law – Politics

Protesting is not a crime: they marched in Paraná for the freedom of those detained for rejecting the Bases Law – Politics
Protesting is not a crime: they marched in Paraná for the freedom of those detained for rejecting the Bases Law – Politics

Human rights, union, political, cultural, women’s and dissident, environmental, picketing, youth and retired organizations mobilized from Plaza 1º de Mayo to the Government House. “We understand that it is necessary to go out into the streets to demand the immediate release of the comrades detained for rejecting the Bases Law on June 12,” the representative of the Socialist Workers Movement (MST), Nadia Burgos, told AIM. .

After the mobilization against the Bases Law in the Federal Capital, “there are 33 people in Argentina who are charged with serious crimes for the simple fact of having gone out to mobilize and demonstrate against the Bases Law,” the leader reported to this Agency and added that: “ In a brutal repression that Bullrich carried out with different insecurity forces, at the request of the Milei government, because we know that there is no adjustment without repression, they hunted down different comrades who are students, teachers, street vendors, musicians, people who do not “I was in the mobilization and I was leaving the subway.”

“We understand that it is necessary to take to the streets to demand the immediate release of the comrades detained for rejecting the Base Law on June 12.”

Burgos highlighted that “17 of them have been released, and 16 remain imprisoned in Ezeiza and other common prisons.” In this way, he indicated: “The government is promoting the criminalization of protest as a necessity to be able to apply its brutal plan of adjustment and repression. In this framework we demand the immediate release, that is why we held an open microphone where different organizations were able to express solidarity with the detainees and the urgent need for Justice to stop being one of the hands that Milei has to apply the adjustment to the entire population. population”.

Like the massive mobilization that took place today in the Federal Capital, “this is a hug for those who are unjustly imprisoned and, fundamentally, it is an expression of struggle for those of us who know that we have to continue mobilizing to defend all democratic freedoms in our country.” Burgos concluded.

photo: leftist journalism


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