The Cuban regime prosecutes Alina Bárbara López for the crime of attack

The Cuban regime prosecutes Alina Bárbara López for the crime of attack
The Cuban regime prosecutes Alina Bárbara López for the crime of attack

Cuban State Security would be prosecuting the intellectual Alina Bárbara López Hernándezdetained since the morning of Tuesday, June 18 in Matanzas, for the alleged crime of attackdenounced his daughter, Cecilia Borroto López.

Using the Facebook profile of the historian and political scientist, Borroto López denounced that her mother, “a 59-year-old woman who does not carry weapons, is being arraigned on charges of attack. “Everyone will understand the seriousness of such an act.”

“An attack is what you do every day against the people of Cuba, subjected to extreme poverty and repression. This State that now intends to accuse you of an attack, has not had the decency to accuse the henchmen who in the previous arrest caused injuries that required medical treatment,” the complaint stressed.

“You will go down in history as the shameless and arrogant repressors that you are. The Cubans of the future will be ashamed of this historical period and this lying and corrupt power,” he added.

In the publication itself, Borroto López indicated that has no news about the historian Jenny Pantoja Torres, also detained with López Hernández at the Playa police station, in Matanzas. Both were arrested on the way out of that city, when they were trying to travel to Havana to demonstrate peacefully, as they do together with other Cuban intellectuals every day the 18th.

In the complaint itself, Alina Bárbara’s daughter pointed out that, according to the Cuban Penal Code, the crime of attack is applied in cases in which a person “uses violence or intimidation against an authority, a public official, or their agents or auxiliaries.” , to prevent them from carrying out an act pertaining to their functions, or to require them to carry it out, or for revenge or retaliation for the exercise of these functions”, among other circumstances, and involves sanctions of deprivation of liberty ranging from two to eight years, or greater.

López Hernández suffered injuries as a result of the police brutality exercised against her during an arrest in similar circumstances to those of this Tuesday, April 18, when she tried to travel from Matanzas to Havana. Against the agents who carried out the violence, she filed a complaint in subsequent days with the Military Prosecutor’s Office of that city, from which she has not received a response.

The intellectual has demonstrated peacefully every day on the 18th since March 2023 in the Freedom Park of Matanzas, to protest against the repressive situation that Cuba is experiencing. In these actions, in tribute to the Thirteen Protest, which occurred on March 18, 1923, and in which the same number of young Cuban intellectuals demonstrated against the government corruption of the Government of the Island, he only uses a blank sign hanging By the neck.

As López Hernández has stressed, the demands of their protests are: “A democratically elected National Constituent Assembly to draft a new Constitution applicable in all its parts; that the State not ignore the critical situation of the elderly, retirees, pensioners and families who are in extreme poverty; freedom for political prisoners without mandatory exile; cessation of harassment of people who exercise their freedom of expression.”

In response, State Security fabricated a common crime against her in 2023 and sentenced her to house arrest, in addition to regulating it to prevent her from traveling abroad. In this process, she was tried and found guilty by the Municipal Court of Matanzas for refusing to attend illegal summonses from the political police.

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