Emotional farewell to a motorcyclist who died in a traffic accident in Santiago de Cuba

Emotional farewell to a motorcyclist who died in a traffic accident in Santiago de Cuba
Emotional farewell to a motorcyclist who died in a traffic accident in Santiago de Cuba

Elieser Emilio González Zayasa young 27-year-old Cuban motorcyclist, received an emotional farewell this Tuesday in Santiago de Cuba, after dying on Monday due to a traffic accident. The young man underwent surgery twice before his death.

“Many motorcyclists did not know Emilio González Zayas in life, but today they were brothers in pain,” shared independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta on Facebook, along with a video that shows the moment in which the coffin was covered with wreaths of flowers while his Family members said goodbye to him.

He reel He also captured the enormous caravan of motorcyclists that served as a funeral procession from the funeral home to the Santa Ifigenia Heritage Cemetery, where González, who suffered a spectacular accident that cost him his life, was buried.

This publication serves “to remember that we are all Cubans and many times without knowing a deceased person, their death hurts us,” said the independent journalist, highlighting how the tragic event that involved the young man has deeply moved the population of Santiago de Cuba. showing solidarity with the pain of the family of the injured person.

González died this Monday after colliding with a police vehicle on Sunday night in Santiago de Cuba and undergoing two surgeries.

The incident, in which González’s motorcycle and a police car were involved, occurred on the Cuabitas highway. This town, on the outskirts of the city, is where the young man lived.

According to eyewitnesses, The motorcyclist was traveling at high speed and, after the collision, was left lying on the street.

The police officer driving the patrol car appeared nervous and shocked, to the point that passersby had to intervene to calm him down.

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