What uses can a high-tech Cuban electric tricycle have? › Cuba › Granma

What uses can a high-tech Cuban electric tricycle have? › Cuba › Granma
What uses can a high-tech Cuban electric tricycle have? › Cuba › Granma

The Camilo Cienfuegos Electronic Industry Company (EIE) is immersed in the manufacturing of high-tech electric tricycles with multiple features, Edel Gómez Gómez, general director of the entity, told Granma.

Within the framework of the IV Exhibition Fair of the Cubaindustria 2024 Convention – which opened yesterday, with the presence of Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic – Gómez explained that this vehicle has among its It provides not only passenger transportation, which is so necessary at this time, but also allows communication and dissemination systems through two screens and audio equipment.

He added that, with their three photovoltaic solar panels, and the energy that their batteries can accumulate, these tricycles will be able to supply with electrical energy, in situations of energy contingency, certain key points in a community, such as a small water pumping station.

The Director of the EIE pointed out that this production responds to an indication from President Díaz-Canel, to solve several problems of some communities, with the use of efficient innovation.

Regarding the company’s other production lines, he said that they are promoting the concept of circular economy and recycling through the remanufacturing of equipment that was defective or written off, such as decoder boxes, induction cookers and televisions.

The above, he highlighted, allows the cost of marketing to the population to be reduced by up to 40%.


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