Solidarity news channel on Cuban reality is born in Italy

Solidarity news channel on Cuban reality is born in Italy
Solidarity news channel on Cuban reality is born in Italy

The new Italy x Cuba news channel, an initiative of an organization in solidarity with the island, is today a new forum from Rome for the fight against enemy media campaigns and the dissemination of the reality in that country.

The National Association of Italy-Cuba Friendship (Anaic) launched a few hours ago on social networks and YouTube “Episode 0” of this news project, in which communicators who make up that group participate, such as Luigi Basile, Walter Persello and Anika Persiani , who contribute their professional experience to this proposal.

Persiani, a member of the Anaic circle in Florence, made in this first broadcast the presentation of the project which, he said, has the purpose of making known Cuba’s positions on central issues, also of interest to Italy, such as health, education, science and environment, among many others.

It will also serve to address current issues about Cuba, such as the impact of the US economic, commercial and financial blockade on the energy supply and the availability of imported products, and the complexity of satisfying the needs of the people after the intensification of these measures.

Cuban and Italian jurists will be invited to expand knowledge about the Constitution approved in 2019 in that country, and the new Family Code, among other issues that illustrate the profound humanism that characterizes the Cuban Revolution since its triumph in January 1959. , said the activist.

In this first news program there appears an interview by journalist Luigi Basile with the president of Anaic, Marco Papacci, who evaluated the work of that organization in the last year as very positive, during which aid was sent to the Cuban people for a value of almost 100 thousand euros.

Other important actions were also carried out, such as the contribution of 27 thousand euros by the members of the association, to finance research on the Island aimed at developing a vaccine against dengue.

The media war against the Antillean country is very strong, said Papacci, and pointed out that the US authorities allocate large financial resources to carry it out.

In this sense, the president of Anaic highlighted the importance of this new Italy x Cuba channel, since “disinformation is today one of the worst weapons, not only against that nation, but against many others that today seek a different path.” .

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