Deputies intervene in the face of changes in Copnaf and the closure of devices to serve young people – El Heraldo

Deputies intervene in the face of changes in Copnaf and the closure of devices to serve young people – El Heraldo
Deputies intervene in the face of changes in Copnaf and the closure of devices to serve young people – El Heraldo

The legislative initiative is promoted by deputy Stefanía Cora (PJ) and the authors are Lorena Arrozogaray, Laura Stratta and Yari Seyler. Through it, the “most intense concern is expressed about the modification of the Organic Structure of the Reference Department for Adolescents and its two divisions: Division of “Individual Approach” and Division of “Collective Approach” of the Provincial Council of Children, Adolescents and Family (Copnaf)”.
“The best interests of the child must be a primary consideration in all decisions affecting minors.
This fundamental principle is not only applied in the family environment, but also in public policies, the judicial system and administrative practices,” said the author.
After detailing the scope of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, it refers to Law 26,061, which “establishes a comprehensive protection system that promotes the active participation of children and adolescents in all aspects that affect them, guaranteeing their well-being and full development.”
“The commitment of the Province of Entre Ríos to the promotion and protection of the rights of children and adolescents must be reaffirmed through this declaration of interest,” he said and stressed that “it is essential to promote public policies that prioritize the interest of the child in all administrative and judicial decisions, and promote awareness and training of all social actors on the importance of respecting and guaranteeing the rights of minors.”
“COPNAF has a significant impact by contributing to the creation of a safer and more favorable environment for the comprehensive development of minors.
“It is expected that these initiatives will promote the implementation of more effective public policies, foster awareness in society about the importance of respecting the rights of children and strengthen the capacities of social and government actors in the protection of these rights,” Stefanía Cora later stated.
“For all of the above, it is urged that this project be supported in order to provide greater tools to institutional entities to resolve conflicts and observe the refunctionalization of the executive branch in this particular area; seeking greater development of adolescents who are in a special situation of vulnerability.”


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