Did the government remove the rector of the National? Higher University Council overthrew the appointment of Ismael Peña

03:32 PM

He Higher University Council of the National Universitywhich has been in extraordinary session since 2 pm, addressed the appointment of the Rectorate of the institution, which has been occupied by José Ismael Peña and through a resolution he removed him from the position that he had not been able to assume.

You may be interested in: Professors from the National University recognized José Ismael Peña as the new rector.

According to the rresolution number 067 of 2024which signed the Vice Minister of Education, Alejandro Álvarezand the general secretary ad hoc, María Alejandra Rojas (appointed by President Gustavo Petro)annulled the election of March 21 when Peña was elected as rector of that institution.

In this regard, the counselor Laura Quevedo, student representativesaid on his social networks that the 2 p.m. session had “the sole purpose of applying the approved resolution and making the designation of the rectory.”

In that sense, the Superior Council will once again elect the rector through a vote that once again includes the five initial candidates, who are Leopoldo Múnera, Raúl Sastre, Juan Pablo Duque, Germán Albeiro Castaño and José Ismael Peña.

It is worth remembering that since Peña was appointed as rector of the National there was rejection by a large part of the student body, because The Government had generated expectations that the three councilors it appointed would vote for Professor Leopoldo Múnerawho was the winner of the non-binding consultation that is done between students, teachers and graduates.

Since then, there have been protests (some of them violent) on the Bogotá university campus, the largest union at that university (more than 1,000 workers) went on strike, and Peña went on strike. had to take office in a Notary Office in Bogotásince the Government did not recognize him as rector.

There were even several public clashes on social networks between President Gustavo Petro and José Ismael Peña, who served as fuel for the candle that became the institutional crisis of the university faculty.

While the extraordinary session continues, the councilors Diego Torres (representative of the professors), Ignacio Mantilla (representative of the former rectors) and Verónica Botero (representative of the Academic Council)have described as illegal the resolution that annulled Peña’s appointment.

In fact, these three councilors left the extraordinary session around 3 in the afternoon, stating that “We cannot allow a crime to be committed in our name.. “If a rector is appointed it will be irregular and illegal.”

Here begins the death of university autonomy by the National Government and the obsession of the Ministry (of Education),” stated Torres.

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