former mayor of Manizales Carlos Marío Marín, Cambridge scholarship recipient

Marín, scholarship holder
The former mayor of Manizales Carlos Marío Marín announced through his social networks Facebook and Instagram that he had obtained a scholarship to study at the prestigious university of Cambridge. In the publication he appears dressed in a University garment and accompanied by his wife, Valentina Acevedo. “That is what the great classrooms of the world are looking for, men who do not compete, but who seek to be better every day and who cooperate for the good of humanity,” he wrote in the publication.

University autonomy, RIP

Manizales. This sign was presented in the debate in the Senate to the Minister of Education, Aurora Vergara, last week. In this session they spoke harshly, very harshly to the minister, starting with the Caldense senator Guido Echeverri about the consequences of the scandal with the election of the rector at the National University. To complete, he was criticized for the statutory education bill.

Visiting Cartagena

Manizales. One of the best soccer players in the world, the Spanish Alexia Putellas, a member of the Barcelona Femenino squad, champion of the last Champions League, is visiting Colombia during her vacation. On her social networks she shared that she was walking the streets of Cartagena.

He will appeal the ruling that strips him of his seat
He will appeal the ruling that strips him of his seat Photo | HOMELAND

Manizales. Óscar Alonso Vargas, deputy for the Liberal Party, will appeal the ruling that orders the loss of his seat after it became known that the Administrative Court of Caldas declared his election null and void for the period 2024-2027 upon finding that there was a cause for disqualification. The lawsuit was filed by Andrew Montoya Londoño, who indicated that during the year prior to the elections, the deputy’s sister, Juliana Vargas Ramírez, served as manager of the Manizales Transportation Terminal. Given this, the Court stated in the ruling “Vargas Jaramillo could not register as a candidate, nor be elected as a deputy of the Departmental Assembly of Caldas, since he was subject to the disqualification regime, according to the provisions of paragraph 6 of article 49 of Law 2200 of 2022”.

It seems to sink
In the Congress of the Republic they consider the draft statutory education law sunk, because time is running out for all the initiatives that are still being processed in the Senate and Chamber, given the imminent end of the regular period of sessions, which will be tomorrow with the closure. The sentence is noted in a statement made by the Minister of the Interior, Luis Fernando Velasco, to BluRadio Colombia on Tuesday: “It is never too late and I want to insist that we are going to make one last effort today.” That was yesterday, when the debate on this project did not appear on the Senate agenda. Could it be that there is some political trick to keep it alive?

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