In Concordia, Rogelio Frigerio met with UN representatives

In Concordia, Rogelio Frigerio met with UN representatives
In Concordia, Rogelio Frigerio met with UN representatives

“It speaks clearly of the commitment they have to meet the objectives set by the United Nations, and also to understand how a federal country works,” he praised.

When explaining why Concordia was chosen to begin generating the changes proposed in the first meeting, where priorities were defined, he stated: “Concordia is not only the city in Argentina with the largest number of poor people in the country, crystallize or synthesize, of in some way, everything we are today in Argentina and what we can be. The abysmal difference between our sad, harsh reality and the enormous potential we have to transform precisely those conditions.

Next, regarding the relationship with the international organization, he asked: “We have deficits and many problems, but I am one of those who believe that these can be solved by individualizing them and getting to work. And above all, not being ashamed when it comes to asking for help. We need, in this case, for the entire United Nations System in Argentina to give us a hand, to transmit to us the experience it has had in other countries to help us take shortcuts, to not adopt policies that have proven to be unsuccessful in the past; other places; that is, to reduce the margins of error.

In this framework, the president gave a summary of the topics that were continued during the meeting with the representatives of the municipality of Concordia and the United Nations. And he referred to the need to know which of those issues that make up the work in the interaction between the province and municipalities can be addressed with specific programs by the UN, “beyond the work that we continue to do between the System of Nations and the province throughout the territory”.

The topics discussed were: education – early stimulation, early childhood, school dropout and literacy plan -, health – teenage pregnancy, gender violence, mental health -, housing, private employment, local development, environment and poverty.

The contribution of the UN

For her part, when speaking, the resident coordinator of the UN System in Argentina, Claudia Mojica, thanked Governor Frigerio for his “leadership, vision and kindness” to make the visit of the teams possible and, likewise, the authorities municipal.

Alluding to the follow-up carried out by UN member entities to the conversations held at the beginning of May, Mojica mentioned that last week there was a first virtual meeting that brought together specialists in social development, both from the provincial government and UN agencies, where “issues related to adolescence were discussed, with an emphasis on school dropouts, early childhood, violence and poverty.” Likewise, he announced meetings for the coming weeks “on the dimensions linked to governance, economic development and environmental development.”

Reiterating the disposition and capabilities of specialized agencies as a complement, Mojica insisted that the capabilities of the provincial and local levels “are essential for the well-being of citizens” and that, at these levels, “the demands, but above all the responses and proposals can be more direct, effective and closer to the population”.

After finishing the work day at the Concordia Convention Center, the president, together with provincial authorities, representatives of the United Nations in Argentina and the municipality, moved to the 27 de Noviembre neighborhood, one of the most deprived in the city, where they spoke. with the neighbors. There is a picnic area that serves 500 people. In addition, in that place, municipal personnel carry out a territorial approach that includes a census of the neighbors and their needs in terms of both health and food, among others, in order to provide answers.


The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Gustavo Hein, participated in the meeting; the Minister of Human Development, Verónica Berisso; the Secretary General of the Interior, Mauricio Colello, and the presidents of the General Council of Education, Alicia Fregonese, and of the Provincial Council for Children, Adolescents and the Family (Copnaf), Clarisa Sack. The secretaries of Labor, Mariano Camoirano, and Health, Daniel Blanzaco, were also present.

On behalf of the UN, the main Programming official, ILO, María Eugenia Sconfienza, among others, also participated. And for the municipal government, the mayor Francisco Azcué, the chief of staff, Eduardo Caminal, and other authorities.

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