288 affected families have left the rainy season in Huila

288 affected families have left the rainy season in Huila
288 affected families have left the rainy season in Huila

The recent landslides in several municipalities in the department of Huila have caused significant damage to infrastructure, homes and crops.

Reported Events:

Santa Maria (June 16, 2024):

Vereda San Miguel: Landslide affected the road that connects with Palermo. Yellow municipal machinery works at the site.

Vereda Belgium: Another landslide affected a road, and the intervention of municipal machinery is expected.

Algeciras (May 29, 2024):

El Paraíso Town Center: A landslide completely closed a road due to the loss of benching. An alternate route was enabled towards the Lebanon path, and INVIAS carried out a verification visit.

You may be interested in: Municipalities in Huila to structure contingency plans

Giant (May 29, 2024):

Vereda La Chiquita, Palomino Sector: A landslide on a house resulted in the death of Mr. Efraín Galindo Ramírez, 70 years old. Five homes are reported with total loss, one with partial loss and twenty damaged homes. In addition, there are 17 homes at risk, of which 11 require mandatory relocation. Five aqueducts and 90 hectares of crops including coffee, banana and cassava have been affected.

Colombia (May 18, 2024):

Vereda Armenia: The road is still blocked, and only temporary passage is allowed for motorcycles. Government machinery works on the canalization of the Ambica River.

General Impact of the 2024 Rainy Season:

Affected families: 288

Destroyed homes: 7

Homes at risk: 38

Roads affected: 121

Damaged vehicular bridges: 1

Pedestrian bridges affected: 5

Damaged aqueducts: 11

Hectares of crops affected: 114

In addition, an Orange Alert has been issued for the Puracé volcano, due to significant changes in the monitored parameters, affecting 22 municipalities at risk of pyroclast falls. Likewise, the Nevado del Huila volcano maintains a Yellow Alert due to increased seismic activity.

Precipitation Forecast and Landslide Alert:

IDEAM predicts heavy local rains in various areas of Huila, with moisture saturation in the soils, increasing the risk of landslides. An Orange Alert has been declared in Nátaga, Tello, Teruel and Tesalia, and a Yellow Alert in twelve other municipalities.

You can read: Huila, in 13th place in the Departmental Competitiveness Index 2024

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