Milei confirmed that Sturzenegger will be a minister and supported Caputo: “No one is going to touch his ass”

Milei confirmed that Sturzenegger will be a minister and supported Caputo: “No one is going to touch his ass”
Milei confirmed that Sturzenegger will be a minister and supported Caputo: “No one is going to touch his ass”

President Javier Milei confirmed the landing of Federico Sturzenegger in a ministry and at the same time supported the head of Economy Luis Caputo. “No one is going to touch his ass, and if someone does, I will cut their hand,” he said.

Regarding Sturzenegger, current advisor to the national government and whom he defined as “one of the most brilliant economists on the planet,” the libertarian announced that he will be in charge of a portfolio such as “in charge of everything that has to do with deregulation”although he did not give more details about it.

“The idea is that Federico enters. We have to define the functions. He changed the Chief of Staff. Guillermo (Francos) is a coordinating minister. Sturzenegger is going to be minister in charge of everything that has to do with deregulation,” Milei highlighted in an interview with the TN signal on Tuesday night.

Sturzenegger lands in a Ministry.

At the same time, the president’s statements in defense of Caputo’s work attempted to calm spirits amidst internal noise which generates the confluence of similar functions of the Minister of Economy with Sturzenegger.

“Caputo is the best economy minister in history. Say what you want, there is a boss here, which is me. Nobody is going to violate Toto’s achievements. No one is going to touch Caputo’s ass, and if anyone does, I’ll cut their hand.”.

In addition, the leader of La Libertad Avanza, who will visit Rosario this Thursday as part of the celebrations for Flag Day, ratified the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diana Mondinoand once again gave him his support to the head of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello.

“The Peace Summit was an important event, while I was testifying, my sister and Mondino were behind. The discussion was over. I determined those two chairs,” Milei emphasized about the chancellor. And he stated that after the “attacks” on Pettovello he was never going to “let go of his hand.”

“They are not going to touch any minister”, he maintained and elaborated: “If you start from the base that our initial indicators were worse than those of 2001, you would have to have the country on fire if you did not drive well. What Pettovello did was get the middlemen out of the way. They believed that he was going to get the money from these criminals and they were going to stay calm.”

Possible candidates

The president also referred to next year’s midterm legislative elections and considered that Deputy José Luis Espert and his spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, may be part of the lists of the ruling party.

Regarding Adorni, he expressed: “It depends on him, he is a wonderful guy. The problem is that he is also a great spokesperson, there is a problem there.” In relation to Espert, he also praised him and named him like “the teacher” and said that he likes it for the province of Buenos Aires.

“I like Espert as a candidate for next year. There are a lot of things to discuss, but let’s agree that I have a very important level of affinity. I think it’s great that he has joined, in particular I think he is a great candidate“he stressed.

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