30th Anniversary Celebration of the Marble Chapels

30th Anniversary Celebration of the Marble Chapels

This 20th, 21st and 22nd of June, in Puerto Río Tranquilo, 30 years will be celebrated since the Chapels of Marble were declared a Nature Sanctuary. For this purpose, the Puerto Río Tranquilo Neighborhood Council organized the Regional Marble Festival, which will feature talks, fairs, a dance party, live bands, the premiere of a micro-documentary and, of course, kayaking and boating. through of the Chapels Of marble.

From different tour operators of the Marble Chapels, enthusiasm arises to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Commemoration of this Nature Sanctuary. With the leadership of the Puerto Río Tranquilo Neighborhood Council, various public and private organizations, both local and regional, began to be convened and united to make this event a historical milestone.

Marble Chapels. Credits: Guillermo Mann.

The objective is revitalize the identity and history of the Marble Chapels, highlighting its value as national heritage. This purpose has mobilized more than 12 public institutions that will share the results of their research with the local community and open dialogue around its preservation and conservation. The participation of the SEREMI of the Environment stands out, who will socialize the recent Law 21,600, which creates the Biodiversity and Protected Areas Service and the National System of Protected Areas. This law is fundamental for the conservation of biodiversity and the protection of the national natural heritage, through the preservation, restoration and sustainable use of genes, species and ecosystems.

Marble Chapels. Credits: Guillermo Mann.

It is crucial that the community inform and educate itself, because only what is known and valued is protected. Along these lines, the event will also include the production of a microdocumentary that makes visible the work of pioneer settlers in this natural sitewhich has been key to turning it into a unique tourist attraction in the world.

Regional Marble Festival.

This regional event will take place on June 20, 21 and 22 in Puerto Río Tranquilo. It will begin with a community navigation to the Marble Chapels, followed by a cycle of scientific talks, community barbecues, a regional entrepreneurship fair, the premiere of the microdocumentary “Pioneers of the Sanctuary” and a great closing with live music from national and local bands.

Thanks to the collaboration and support of neighbors, local businesses, social organizations and public institutions this week we will be celebrating the Regional Marble Festival!

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