Pereira: They find 70 minors consuming liquor in a bar

Pereira: They find 70 minors consuming liquor in a bar
Pereira: They find 70 minors consuming liquor in a bar

Another establishment incurred contempt, the authorities say that they are putting the health of Pereira residents at risk.

Through strategyNight Mayor’s Officein Pereira they carried outoperationalthat allowed us to demonstrate theirresponsibilityof some businessmen in the entertainment and liquor sales sectors, not only for not processing the documents required by law for the operation of the establishments, but for offering products with an expired expiration date.and to even promote theentry of minors.

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In one particular case, in an establishment in La Circunvalar, they found70 minorswho wereconsuming liquor.

Mauricio Vega López, Night Mayor of Pereira, pointed out that, “In a large establishment where an art gallery and a gastrobar apparently operate, 70 minors were found, whoseAges range from 14 to 17 years old.some of themconsuming intoxicating beverages and exposed to risk situations due to the sale and consumption of liquor.”

Mayor Nocturno added that, “It is worrying that public establishments thatallow the entry of minorsof age to places where liquor is sold, but even more than the samebusinessmen promote the participation of young people by making mass invitations”.

On the other hand, in the area ofPinares de San Martína place that does not have all therequired documentationto sell liquor was sealed, they also foundexpired products,However, despite the closureThey reopened the place.

Added Vega López, “A widely recognized liquor store in the Pinares de San Martín area did not have the documents for the sale of liquor and consumption on the premises, when the officials of the Ministry of Health verified the refrigerators and the counter,They found a countless number of expired products from a couple of months ago”.

The official pointed out that, “In this case, after the establishment had been sealed, which implies that commercial activity ceases until compliance with the requirements of the law, the businessman opened again to the public and restarted sales, incurring contempt and violating the seal, so an action for contempt was also carried out.”

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The night mayor calls on night businessmen to beresponsible and ethicalin order to generate conditions of security and coexistence to achieve a safe party and the revitalization of the nighttime economy.

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