After a call to 911, they investigate a lead in Chaco and analyze footage


After an anonymous call to the 911 emergency number reporting that a child who could be Loan Danilo Peñathe 5-year-old boy who disappeared last Thursday in Corrientes, near the Gala casino in the Chaco city of Resistencia, The Chaco Police analyze security camera footage to try to determine the veracity of the complaint.

“According to the anonymous complainant, at approximately 1:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m., he observed a white Toyota Hilux truck stop in front of the Gala Casino, on National Route No. 11. The driver and a minor, who is presumed to be Loan Peña, got out of the vehicle. Although the witness could not specify the exact date, he proceeded to request the safeguarding of the film sequences from the security cameras located in the Gala Casino sector on Route 11. The agents analyzed the material from the entire week,” it was explained. officially.

He took intervention Department of Fighting Human Trafficking of the Chaco Police. “After analyzing the material obtained, it was observed that last Thursday, around 12, two men got out of a white van. One of them waited at the bus stop and boarded public transport, while the other got back into the van without the presence of any minor being visible,” police sources reported.

And they added: “The investigation continues, and the police are reviewing other cameras in the area and interviewing neighbors to gather relevant information for the case. Analyzing every information that comes to you.”

The time at which the two men got out of the Toyota Hilux truck makes the complaint received at the 911 emergency number lose force. As published THE NATIONLast Thursday, at 1:30 p.m., Loan was still with his family. This is demonstrated by the last photograph taken of him at his grandmother’s house, in a place El Algarrobal, on July 9, Corrientes.

The photo in which Loan appears, before his disappearance

Besides, Roberto Méndez, lawyer for Loan’s familydiscarded one of the versions put forward by the child’s mother, María Noguera, who yesterday had implied that her son “someone took it”.

The lawyer pointed out that this hypothesis is “ruled out” for now. “I was in contact with the prosecutor Juan Carlos Castillo and spoke with the commissioner Alberto Molina and That hypothesis that suggests that Loan was taken away is ruled out. It is impossible, because there are no witnesses at the place where the events occurred and it is known which cars were there. The hypothesis with which Justice works is that it was lost”.

Within the framework of the investigation there are three detainees in preventive detention accused of abandonment of person. Is about Bernardino Benítez, the boy’s uncle; Daniel Ramírez, known as Fierrito, and Mónica del Carmen Millapi.

When they were investigated by prosecutor Castillo, the three defendants abstained from testifying.reported the sources consulted.

According to the sources consulted, Benítez and the other two defendants, Daniel Ramírez, known as Fierrito, and Mónica del Carmen Millapi, were the ones who, last Thursday, after 2 p.m., took six children, including Loan, to a property located 600 meters from the house of Catalina Peña, the grandmother of the missing boy, where the minor was visiting, to collect and eat oranges.

“A half hour later, the defendants, who were supposed to take care of the minors in their care, abandoned Loan to his fate, placing him in a helpless situation, since he cannot take care of himself, and has not been found so far. “, stated the prosecutor when requesting the preventive detention of the missing boy’s uncle and Fierrito Ramírez and Millapi.

The crime of abandonment of a person, provided for in article 106 of the Penal Code, provides for a sentence of between two and six years in prison for “anyone who endangers the life or health of another, either by placing him or her in a situation of helplessness, abandoning to their fate a person incapable of self-care who must be maintained or cared for or whom the author himself has incapacitated. The penalty will be confinement or prison of between three and ten years if as a result of abandonment serious damage results to the body or health of the victim and if death occurs, the penalty will be between five and 15 years in prison.


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