Lula will meet with Luis Arce in Santa Cruz to sign bilateral agreements

Lula will meet with Luis Arce in Santa Cruz to sign bilateral agreements
Lula will meet with Luis Arce in Santa Cruz to sign bilateral agreements

He President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvawill complete an official visit to the country on July 9, confirmed this Wednesday the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Celinda Sosa.

According to Sosa, Lula will meet with President Luis Arce in the city of Santa Cruz.

“We are organizing the bilateral agenda. Protocol events, an extended meeting with their delegations, a working lunch and the signing of agreements are planned,” the chancellor told EL DEBER.

Sosa said that with Brazil we have an agenda with many coincidences, in which we develop cooperation on issues of energy, border infrastructure projects and development in the commercial economic field.

There are also issues in the consular and educational area, among others.

When asked if the energy issue will be addressed during Lula’s visit, the chancellor admitted that it is a topic of interest to both countries because it is related to natural gas, oil and diesel.

On Tuesday, the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molinamet with the Minister of Mines and Energy of Brazil, Alexandre Silveira, to talk about significant progress on joint agendas.

It was revealed that both ministers agreed to negotiate a memorandum for a upstream plan and the development of investments in exploration.

In addition, it was decided to form working groups to generate a mechanism that allows attracting investments to the energy sector.

The meeting of the two ministers took place prior to the arrival of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to the capital of Santa Cruz.


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