They denounce that President Petro’s lawyer has juicy contracts in the public sector

They denounce that President Petro’s lawyer has juicy contracts in the public sector
They denounce that President Petro’s lawyer has juicy contracts in the public sector
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The councilor of Bogotá Daniel Briceño, member of the Democratic Center, launched a serious complaint against the lawyer Héctor Alfonso Carvajal, who is in charge of the defense of the president of the Republic, Gustavo Petro, before the National Electoral Council (CNE). According to Briceño, Carvajal would have several contracts with State entities totaling $735,683,000, which has raised suspicions about a possible conflict of interest.

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Briceño made the complaint public through his account on the social network contracts for $735,683,000 from the Petro government in different entities. “A lot of coincidence.”

Carvajal is a prestigious Colombian jurist, close to the government, and even He was considered for the shortlist of candidates for Attorney General of the Nation, which President Petro had to present before the Supreme Court of Justice. to replace Francisco Barbosa. However, due to his age, 68 years old, he had no chance of being selected.

In his publication, the councilor attached copies of the contracts in question: one with the National Savings Fund for 192 million pesos, another with the same entity for 203 million, a contract with Colpensiones for 175 million pesos, and one with Colombia Compra Eficiente for more than 164 million pesos.

Briceño, who points out this fact as a lack of ethics, asked for the lawyer’s resignation. “The least Dr. Carvajal should do is renounce his contracts with the government while he defends President Petro.”

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In his complaint, Briceño detailed the contracts with the entities, in which the lawyer Carvajal serves as a service provider for legal consultancies.

This statement has generated a strong debate about the independence of the president’s defense and the possible incompatibility of Carvajal’s contracts with the Government.

Senator María Fernanda Cabal, also from the Democratic Center, replied to the thread of trills and questioned whether the defense of the current president is being paid for by the State: “You don’t even pay for your own lawyer?”. Statements that put into debate the relationship between Carvajal’s contracts and his role as defender of the president.

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