The governor led the event for Entre Ríos Flag Day – News

The governor led the event for Entre Ríos Flag Day – News
The governor led the event for Entre Ríos Flag Day – News

“We have a flag that distinguishes us and identifies us,” said Governor Rogelio Frigerio when referring to the provincial insignia, at the event that took place this Wednesday in Plaza Mansilla.

After the chords of the national anthem and the Entre Ríos March, performed by the Bovril Municipal Band, the governor maintained that “the flag is something that distinguishes us from others, that identifies us compared to the rest of the provinces and also of the countries of the earth.”

That said, he referred to certain details of the Entre Ríos flag. “Our flag has some particular characteristics. It has the colors of the national flag and is crossed by a red stripe that symbolizes the blood shed precisely in the fight for the ideals of the province”.

Frigerio then added that “it is also a flag that shares the colors of the national flag that unites us even more with the neighboring country, with Uruguay, because this same flag is flown in the public buildings of that brother country. We share the colors of the It teaches homeland, but we have particularities in our flag that have to do precisely with being the cradle of federalism in Argentina, with being the cradle of the national organization and with also being the cradle of education. We have the first normal and secular school in Argentina. our country,” he said.

In this context, the president pointed out that “these are the particularities that make up our essence and that make us proud every day” and recalled that about two centuries ago, Pancho Ramírez, in his last speech to his Entre Ríos soldiers, told them that they were “flagging the flag of the country, which was the flag of Entre Ríos, to proclaim to the world the greatness of the Entre Ríos people. Today, almost 200 years later, we have that same responsibility to show the world what we Entre Ríos people are capable of. responsibility. That is our responsibility and I am sure that we will achieve it,” he concluded.

After greeting the authorities and those present, Frigerio announced that the participation of bands from various parts of the province will begin to be implemented “to also be federal within the province.”

The governor was accompanied at the event by Vice Governor Alicia Aluani, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Gustavo Hein, and the Mayor of Paraná, Rosario Romero, as well as other mayors and legislators. Flag bearers from different schools in the city of Paraná and officials from the different branches of the provincial state also participated.

Other speakers

When speaking, the mayor of Paraná, Rosario Romero, referred to education, struggle and work, mentioned in the Entre Ríos March, “all current values, which are associated with this flag that we celebrate today.” . She highlighted Artigas and Ramírez as precursors of federalism “that Entre Ríos people have inscribed in our memory,” and that is still a pending debate.

For his part, the Secretary of Culture, Fabián Reato, expressed: “That there is a flag that identifies us as Entre Ríos, proclaims our pride and identity to the rest of the country and the world.”

“Entre Ríos has been present leading the institutionalization processes of the country, always upholding the ideas of federalism as a guide and guiding principle of the national organization,” stressed the official, who finally stated: “We have a provincial flag that summarizes the sense of nationality and also federalism”, and that “challenges us to stand up, to lead integration and development processes”.

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