The Security package advances in Mendoza

The Security package advances in Mendoza
The Security package advances in Mendoza

As Thomas explained, the initiative “was born from the analysis of the context of recent times, especially during my time at the Ministry of National Security.”

“Every time we talked about developing a computer program related to security, we encountered the same problem. Teams were formed in the respective area of ​​computer development where there were an infinite number of programs, They started well, but after three or four months, the IT specialists left and all the programs were incomplete. and we had to start over due to the incorporation of new software specialists.”

Generally, this was due to a salary issue.. The large software development companies expected these young people to specialize, and once a few months had passed, They were taken with much higher salary offers. This was permanent during my time at the Ministry of National Security and already in Mendoza, I saw the same thing happening,” he commented.

Along these lines, he maintained that it is difficult to “consolidate a software and systems development team that become increasingly important elements in terms of security. Hence the need to promote this project, to provide incentives for the permanence of these profiles in the Ministry of Security and also so that they could take over the police state. Because they cannot openly participate in an investigation because they do not have a police state.”

Video surveillance

During Tuesday the 18th, the Legislation and Constitutional Affairs commission gave favorable clearance to project of the Executive Branch by which the use of video cameras is regulatedone of the initiatives that are part of the package of security laws.

Its purpose, according to the articles, is “to regulate the use of video cameras to record or capture images and data in public places, open or closed, with or without the assistance of artificial intelligence and the subsequent processing of the images and data obtained. from the same”.

Furthermore, it is noted that “The processing of images and data is intended to promote public safety.ensuring the peaceful coexistence and use of public spaces, contributing to instruction, coordination and collaboration in the prevention and investigation of illicit acts, contraventions and crimes, establishing guarantees for the protection of fundamental rights and public freedoms of citizens. .

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Among other aspects, it provides that the use of video cameras and the systems referred to in the Law, It will be justified for the purposes of contributing to peaceful citizen coexistence and public order; the general prevention of illicit, contraventions and crimes; the verification of illicit acts, contraventions and crimes; the identification of people with arrest warrants and other judicial measures incorporated into the linked alarm systems, and the identification of vehicles with judicial measures.

On the other hand, it establishes that “the use of video cameras and associated systems will be governed by the principles of reasonableness, proportionality and minimal intervention, and the purpose and objectives of this law must be weighed in each case.”

Likewise, it stipulates that video cameras “They may only be used for the maintenance and preservation of public safety and other purposes provided for in this law.. In each case there must be a reasonable proportion between the intended purpose and the possible impact on constitutionally enshrined rights.”

In that sense, it clarifies that Video cameras cannot be used to take images or data “from inside private properties.” unless express consent of the owner, legitimate possessor or judicial authorization”; or “when the privacy of people is directly and seriously affected, despite being located in public spaces.”

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