CORDOBANESE OF THE YEAR 2024 | Córdoba toasts its values ​​and its people at the Cordoban of the Year awards

CORDOBANESE OF THE YEAR 2024 | Córdoba toasts its values ​​and its people at the Cordoban of the Year awards
CORDOBANESE OF THE YEAR 2024 | Córdoba toasts its values ​​and its people at the Cordoban of the Year awards

Córdoba toasts its values ​​and its people at the Cordoban of the Year awards

A strong and unanimous applause has shaken the Courtyard of the Orange trees. On stage, in front of the Cathedralthe former teacher and extriathlete Miguel Ángel Roldán, suffering from ALS since 2018 and promoter of the non-profit association Sca la Lengua a la ALS.

The same feeling has made all attendees stand up for the first time in the ceremony to pay tribute. an emotional tribute to the effort and fight of this man from Córdoba. And that, that moment, are the Cordobans of the Year.

Talent and more talent

The powerful voice of the soprano Lucia Taviraafter the eight winners collected their awards, has continued to stir every attentive spectator, attending a show of talent which, in turn, has recalled predecessors from whom Cordoban art draws proudly, such as Antonio Gala.

Those prophets of letters (also Federico García Lorca) have been well represented with the staging of the soprano and the pianist Santiago Paez, both professors at the Higher Conservatory of Music. At night, with the Patio de los Naranjos subtly illuminated, the poems (If you don’t come anymore, why am I waiting for you? and Baladilla of the three rivers) of both poets and The Vitus -a classic- have vibrated in every corner of the monument.

The meeting of Córdoba society

The artist, who has come to take the stage of the Zarzuela, has had Córdoba in front of her, one might say, represented in each of the attendees: authorities, artists, public figures, previous winners… Inevitably, the act has become a meeting place, hugs and euphoria to see each other again.

The festival of the Cordobans of the Year, in the Patio de los Naranjos of the Mosque-Cathedral.

The mayor of Córdoba, José María Bellido, has defined it correctly when, on stage, he was surprised by the “deep vision of Córdoba society” that offered him that perspective.

Final toast

After the presentation of the awards, the event continued with a cocktail in charge of Doña Carmen Catering already in the patio of the Episcopal Palace, as on previous occasions. The guests tasted, among other things, the 100% Iberian Bellota Ham High Expression DOP from the Pedroches of COVAP.

After challenging the rain, whose soft and few drops have splashed the attendees, the night has remained open, placid and fresh to continue sharing moments, with pleasant music in the background, and toast to Córdoba. And one of those toasts has been to the Mosque-Cathedral in its 40th anniversary as a World Heritage Site. Diario CÓRDOBA takes that baton and is now preparing to celebrate the 40 of its Cordobans of the Year in 2025.

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