671 job offers were left unfilled in the first quarter

671 job offers were left unfilled in the first quarter
671 job offers were left unfilled in the first quarter

La Rioja registered 671 vacancies in the first quarter of the year, job offers that were not filled, a figure higher than last year at this same time (521), although similar to other periods after the pandemic.

At the national level, vacancies have been 149,962, a figure very similar to that of the first quarter of the previous year. Despite everything, this imbalance is one of the smallest on the continent, since only 0.9% of job offers cannot be filled in Spain, compared to 2.9% of the European average, according to Eurostat.

At the national level, where the most vacancies are concentrated are in the Public Administration and Social Security

In La Rioja, 2,300 offers did not find a worker in 2023, a figure similar to that of other years

Of the national vacancies, a third correspond to the Public Administration and Social Security (49,951). Very far away are other sectors where there are also many gaps in the labor market; health activities and social services, administrative activities and auxiliary services, information and communications, commerce, construction…

On the other hand, the INE shows in the survey the reasons why there are no vacancies, and the conclusion is clear: 95.60% of Riojan companies do not need new workers. This is associated with the fact that only 2.4% of companies in the region do not create jobs due to high hiring costs (it reached 8.1% in 2015), while the remaining 2% do not do so because other undefined reasons.


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