“You don’t sing the Anthem”, Victoria Villarruel’s harsh reply to Myriam Bregman for the Government’s act in Rosario

“You don’t sing the Anthem”, Victoria Villarruel’s harsh reply to Myriam Bregman for the Government’s act in Rosario
“You don’t sing the Anthem”, Victoria Villarruel’s harsh reply to Myriam Bregman for the Government’s act in Rosario

A sarcastic comment about the turnout of people at the event for Flag Day in Rosario, which this Thursday included the president Javier Mileiprovoked a strong reaction from Victoria Villarruel against the deputy Myriam Bregman networking. “You don’t sing the Anthem“, the vice president launched at the leftist leader.

Villarruel took a post from Bregman that, based on a photo, ironically: “Thank goodness it took many soldiers to fill“, in reference to the Government and the military deployment around the Flag Monument.

According to a survey carried out by the Rosario government and those responsible for the security operation, at the event in front of the emblematic flag monument there were between 7,000 and 8,000 people.

Bregman, you have no moral authority some to talk about the Grenadiers and the President. “You don’t sing the Anthem but if you receive the salary of the Argentine State, let’s talk about you,” the vice president came to the crossroads, taking the criticism as if it were her own.

Villarruel’s reference points to what Bregman herself said during a debate in 2011.

“As you know, Those of us who come from the leftist tradition do not sing the anthemand we respect all the working people who do so and feel identified with their verses,” Bregman had then pointed out in a video that went viral a long time ago on social networks.

The Left Front deputy responded to the head of the Senate. “Talking about ‘moral authority’ and supporting coups d’état, a separate matter“he wrote, also sarcastically.

This Thursday after the event for Flag Day in Rosario It is not the first Twitter crossing that Bregman has had with officials of the Milei Government. A year ago, on the same social network, he had a back-and-forth with the chancellor Diana Mondino. On that occasion, the now Minister of Foreign Affairs He also questioned him about not singing the anthem..

History of fights with libertarians and why the Left does not sing the anthem

That Twitter discussion occurred before the closing of the candidates for the PASO, which finally had Milei as the most voted candidate. “I didn’t quite understand the concept of ‘others’ shame’ until I turned on the radio and started listening to a report Diana Mondino on climate change and ESI“Bregman shot.

Mondino, who in those days had been confirmed as a candidate for deputy for the City, had already crossed the then chancellor Santiago Cafieropointing out that she was bathing and spoke English. “Few things can give me as much pride as receiving insults from someone who doesn’t sing our anthem“, the official responded to the leftist leader.

Far from lowering his tone, Bregman redoubled the bet: “You want to dollarize and liquidate the national currency, go sing the anthem of the United States“he noted.

The controversy regarding why the leaders of the left do not sing the anthem is not new. The former candidate for governor of Jujuy Alejandro Vilca He said in 2019 that they don’t sing it because workers have no homeland and are “exploited under the same economic power”.

“We do not sing the Anthem because we believe that workers do not have a homeland but we are all exploited under the same economic power. They want to put that ahead of the proposals and it is something circumstantial,” said Vilca, who was also questioned about that.

And he added: “We will always defend the interests of our countryof our province, of the workers, in that sense people have to be calm that for us the social needs come before the interests of some businessmen.”

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