They warn of a possible malaria outbreak in the Chaparral Barro Negro indigenous reservation in Casanare

They warn of a possible malaria outbreak in the Chaparral Barro Negro indigenous reservation in Casanare
They warn of a possible malaria outbreak in the Chaparral Barro Negro indigenous reservation in Casanare

Two cases of malaria in the indigenous reservation Black Mud Chaparral health authorities detected in the north of the department of Casanare, in the last six days, which indicates the possible occurrence of an outbreak of that disease.

The first case of malaria was reported to the Public Health Surveillance System (Sivigila) on June 15, in a 39-year-old patient, referred from the municipality of Hato Corozal, from the Chaparral Barro Negro indigenous reservation. This patient is currently hospitalized at the Orinoquía Regional Hospital (HORO) in Yopal.

On June 17, a new case was reported in a minor under 14 years old, sent from the municipality of Sácama, also from the Chaparral Barro Negro indigenous reservation. Given this situation, the Secretariat of Casanare Health has carried out a preliminary epidemiological field investigation, establishing a time and place link between the cases.

And in this sense, it has established communication with the indigenous authorities to verify the situation and coordinate joint prevention actions.

Likewise, a Risk Analysis Room was convened, in which the Immediate Response Team was activated and the action plan was established. The representatives of the department and Red Salud Casanare ESE participated in this room.

In addition, a meeting was held with the participation of the municipalities of Sácama, Hato Corozal and Támara, Capresoca and the Casanare Health Network, where the plan to arrange joint activities was shared.

The authorities in Casanare noted that cases have occurred in the neighboring departments of Arauca, Boyacá and Norte de Santanderinvolving members of the Uwa community.

The authorities of the indigenous reservation have authorized the entry of an advance team from the Casanare governorate to carry out public health actions, such as field investigation, active search for feverish symptoms and taking samples, in addition to the delivery of awnings. to the special population.

Malaria is a disease caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium, transmitted through the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes.


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