Bus accident on the Bogotá – Chía road: driver lost control

Bus accident on the Bogotá – Chía road: driver lost control
Bus accident on the Bogotá – Chía road: driver lost control

In the morning hours of this Thursday, an accident worried several people who were on board a bus that was traveling on the road between Bogotá and the municipality of Chía, Cundinamarca.

At kilometer three, a bus left the company Fleet Zipa of SKZ251 plates on the road separator just centimeters from colliding directly with a pedestrian bridge, which could have aggravated the situation.

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The accident occurred because the driver of the intermunicipal bus lost control; In the middle of the maneuvers he managed to avoid serious injuries.

The authorities who are handling the situation reported that There are no serious injuries in that accident.. At the moment it is known that mobility is still affected and that work is being done to remove the bus from the separator.

Some people who were passengers although they were not injured had to get out through the windows due to the obstruction of the part of the bus that remained in the separator.


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