Virtuality becomes a key tool in Hospital Education –

Virtuality becomes a key tool in Hospital Education –
Virtuality becomes a key tool in Hospital Education –

In order to guarantee schooling, the Modality proposes digital pedagogical strategies for those hospitalized students who cannot access the in-person educational service.

Home and Hospital Education constitutes one of the eight modalities of the national educational system, and is intended to guarantee the right to education of students who are experiencing an illness and who, consequently, cannot regularly attend their schools of origin.

In the province, pedagogical assistance is provided to students of all educational levels and modalities who remain hospitalized in health care facilities, both public and private.

Although the work of teachers in the hospital is carried out mainly at the bedside, there are certain health and treatment conditions that prevent face-to-face encounters, which is why, within the Hospital Modality, and at the Secondary Level, it has been found a new path to guarantee the continuity of trajectories despite the adversities of the disease.

These are synchronous virtual meetings. The pandemic gave the possibility of using technological devices and endless digital tools to develop the pedagogical act. Secondary level hospital teachers manage to establish classes with a group of students who cannot hold them in person at the hospital or at home, due to their clinical situation.

Classes are established according to a schedule of days and fixed meeting times through virtuality. In that sense, the results have been and continue to be very favorable, and the students’ response to the proposal is satisfactory and very positive.

The support of the family is key to being able to execute the proposal, as well as the participation of the schools of origin that collaborate with the work material to provide the corresponding pedagogical continuity.

Likewise, on occasions, and using virtuality, hospital students have been able to participate in practical classes developed by teachers from their schools of origin. This exchange and innovative proposal allows the disease condition to not become an obstacle that prevents the adolescent’s connection with his or her peers and school.

Home and hospital care

Once the school becomes aware of the student’s situation, it communicates with the Provincial Modality Coordination, following the steps established in Circular 001-DES-24 and Circular 001-DEYT-24.

The schools of origin provide the programs with the APs, or the permits to their own virtual classrooms where the pedagogical material of the school teachers is located so that the hospital teachers can provide pedagogical continuity to the trajectories. This is a permanent articulation between the schools of origin, the headquarters school for hospital education and the Coordination.

Source: DGE Press

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