Government of Change delivers 3 agrovoltaic Energy Communities in Guainía that will benefit 540 families with 24/7 energy

Government of Change delivers 3 agrovoltaic Energy Communities in Guainía that will benefit 540 families with 24/7 energy
Government of Change delivers 3 agrovoltaic Energy Communities in Guainía that will benefit 540 families with 24/7 energy
  • The investment for the construction of the three agrivoltaic projects exceeds $15.25 billion.

June 22, 2024. From the region where President Gustavo Petro presented his National Development Plan in 2022, today the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Institute for Planning and Promotion of Energy Solutions, IPSE, deliver three Hybrid/agrivoltaic generation Energy Communities to the communities of Chatare, Carpintero and Venado in the department of Guainía, which will have electricity service 24/7 for the first time.

Colombia continues to be transformed through the Energy Communities strategy to democratize the right to this resource through renewable solutions, which allow bringing energy to vulnerable unconnected populations. This project has the total installation of 544 solar panels and a hybrid generation of 220.31 kWp.

For the Minister of Mines and Energy, Andrés Camacho, the Government of Change continues with a firm step and autonomy on the path of energy sovereignty, “Today we deliver these three agrovoltaic Energy Communities that have a dual purpose: they generate photovoltaic energy and also serve as orchards for agricultural production. The delivery this time is in indigenous reservations, we continue in this process of inaugurating Energy Communities on the route towards the Just Energy Transition, delivering energy directly to the people, within the framework of this strategy that we have been advancing since October 2023 and that today “It is beginning to be a reality for the communities in the territories.”

Each energy project has technical specifications in accordance with the needs of the territory, distributed as follows:

Chatare: hybrid generation plant of 70.87 kWp, 175 solar panels, 48 ​​4710Ah batteries, 18 kW diesel backup and 209 solar photovoltaic systems for the dispersed population of the territory.

Carpenter: hybrid generation plant of 87.48 kWp, 216 solar panels, 72 4710 Ah batteries, 29 kW diesel backup and 35 individual solar photovoltaic systems for the dispersed population.

Deer: 61.96 kWp hybrid generation plant, 153 solar panels, 48 ​​4220 Ah batteries, 18 kW diesel backup and four individual photovoltaic solar systems for the dispersed population.

“It’s not just about bringing energy. For this reason, we continue to design and implement energy solutions that adjust to the social, cultural and economic dynamics of Non-Interconnected Zones. In Chatare, Carpintero and Venado, through an innovative system, we build hybrid agrovoltaic power plants. This means that, thanks to the design of the elevated structure of solar panels, in addition to generating continuous energy, it provides the opportunity to use the land for the development of the community’s own productive activities,” said Danny Ramírez, director of IPSE.

MinEnergía and its affiliated entities continue to strengthen the Just Energy Transition to make energy a right and a popular mandate.

More information:

MinEnergía – Yudy Montoya I 313 3538866

IPSE – Haydibers Arredondo I 316 8781242

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