New crossover between Grabois and Villarruel: “Disgusting reptilians”, “communist gnome” and “exorcisms”

New crossover between Grabois and Villarruel: “Disgusting reptilians”, “communist gnome” and “exorcisms”
New crossover between Grabois and Villarruel: “Disgusting reptilians”, “communist gnome” and “exorcisms”


The crossings between the vice president Victoria Villarruel and the social leader Juan Grabois they don’t stop This Saturday the leader of the Frente Patria Grande returned to the charge against the second of Javier Milei with a 10 point list and accused the ranks of the Government of being “disgusting reptilians.”

In an extensive message through the social network x, the social leader sent a new response to a message from the vice president. “Madam President-in-Office: Parsley is a food with great nutritional properties. “Don’t underestimate it,” Grabois began, after she accused him of planting parsley in “taken fields.”

In that context, he continued with his second point: “The fields were appropriated by the oligarchs with the smell of dung of the Rural Society protected by the convicted torturers that you defend (although in a rather timorous manner lately).” And he added regarding the appointment of the Pro representative in an area in which the vice president hoped to have greater influence: “The pile-up bomb thrower was not Patricia Bullrich? Evidently “Milei thought it was a better ‘terrorist hunter’ than you.”

In the fourth point, Grabois criticized the head of the Senate harshly and assured – as on other occasions – that Milei could leave the Government and Villarruel, take power: “It is not harassment, it is political opposition… In addition to his ideology retrograde, I see it – I could be wrong – plotting since day one. All neat and smiling, I see her with the saw in her hand and the cyanide droplets. I don’t want people to be confused: you are worse than Milei; When he leaves, you have to go. Clear up doubts and resign from succeeding him.”

“The ‘Executive Branch’ should not attack the parsleys, there are too many problems in the country. Lady, take care of the country! Anyway, The position is too big for them and evidently this parsley worries them a lot”he ironized in his fifth argument.

In addition, he examined the image that the vice president used about the comparison between votes obtained by La Libertad Avanza and the Frente Patria Grande during last year’s elections. In this regard, he noted that 55.7% was the result of the ballot, while the 5.8% obtained by Grabois is from the PASO. “Did you seriously have that graphic designed? Anyway, is comparing BALLOTAGE with PASO, great advantage! It’s like comparing parsley with genocide. In the PASO they got 29%; Don’t be confused by the size, we have seen many with the long bar who believed it too much and ended up small,” she stated.

Then, he again referred to Villarruel’s salary: “If it’s not eight sticks, How much is it costing us Argentines to ‘destroy the State from within’ with ham [Milei]? So many years complaining about caste and they rose to privileges without hesitation. Add advisors, travel expenses, custodians, etc.”

“It is simply a lie that they did not use public funds in the campaign. They spent $454,857,651 million ($980,673,096 updated for inflation)… only 12.7% were private”said Grabois in his eighth point about the alleged use of public funds in the electoral campaign.

In another part of his post, the social leader spoke about the trust fund for which he has a complaint. “With the ‘trust fund’ they have been lying for six monthsthey have a whole channel every day with that, their new triple A squeezing people to see what they can accuse me of… But they didn’t find any proof How is it?!”

And he closed with an accusation: “Please, I ask you with the enormous respect that your investiture deserves: “Spread out the food, you disgusting reptilians.”

Hours later, the head of the Senate responded and was blunt. “It’s a lot of pretending to be a Catholic, but with the vomit you left, you’re ready for the sequel of [la película] The Exorcist. Toy Revolutionarylaunched the vice. “Communist gnome circulate, circulate”, he added later. “And now, a very good weekend to the Argentine people,” she concluded.

It took Grabois only a few minutes to reply. “Madame President. Using his presidential inauguration to judge the faith and ideology of others is typical of tyrants. Triple A and the convicted genocide do not have a monopoly on Catholicism,” said the social leader. “’Defending the poor is not being a communist, it is the center of the Gospel,’ says the Pontiff and even if you want to dirty our work, you only dirty yourself. A sinner, yes, but a consistent Christian, and the repressive State of which you are the leader is not going to take that away from me,” he added.

After that, he indicated: “About exorcisms, reptilians, murderers and possessed people, I only need the protection of God and the Holy Virgin. None of you, with all your power, can touch us a single hair. We are not fooled by false whiteness and luminous filters because we have been warned, ‘Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light.'”

Grabois On Friday night he joined the exchange between Villarruel and the Left Front leader Myriam Bregman and questioned the head of the Senate about her salary. The comment earned him a response from the vice president, who accused him of using state resources to engage in politics.

“I do sing the hymn; I never received anything from the State – objective data vs. defamatory story-, The one who, playing guardian of morality and surplus, earns 8 dollars a month, 32 minimum wages, is not Myriam, it’s you…All of ours! paid for by the State that you want to destroy from within! For a recovered democracy judging your idols Videla and Galtieri! Hypocrite,” Grabois noted after Villarruel’s response to Bregman, in which he assured that she does not sing the national anthem.

In that same sense, he maintained that the members of the Government “are not even the right,” but that “They are cadets of wealth and mules of the red circle”. Afterwards, she retreated to the initial idea of ​​the leftist leader’s message. “Indeed, Rosario’s act was tiny… Squalid if it were not for the men and women of the democratic Armed Forces brought down in obedience to a partisan act by their hierarchical superior“, he added and then asked: What happens that you do not present the contributors and the accounting of expenses of your party?”

Milei’s second used the same social network to respond. “While you planted parsley in captured fields and were polishing the bomb-throwing Montoneros with flannel, I fought for their victims without Human Rights“, held.

“Perhaps in your microclimate of goat and communism you do not know that my salary is lower than that of the deputies, because as vice president I am not a senator and as such I am part of the Executive Branch,” she said about the claim for the amount she earns monthly. for his role and then clarified that “some time ago” he formally resigned from the Democratic Party “without using the resources of the State to do politics.”

“Now I say goodbye, asking that your arrogance go away and reminding you that If the event was ‘small’, the support of the Argentine people who elected us at the polls (where it matters) was enormous”, he concluded.


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