The Municipal Host Brigade served 3,000 visitors the last two weekends – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

The Municipal Host Brigade served 3,000 visitors the last two weekends – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
The Municipal Host Brigade served 3,000 visitors the last two weekends – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

The Tourism Entity of the Municipality of Salta created the Tourist Hosts Brigade.

Your manager Rosa Lizárraga Torrezpointed to New dairy that the brigades are made up of students from tertiary institutes and Ucasal of Tourism careers, with the basic function of being information facilitators to visitors.

We worked with the Higher Teaching Staff of Living Languages ​​IFD No. 6007, Higher Teaching Staff of Salta No. 6005, Higher Technology in Tourism IES No. 6012. El Carril, ISICANA and UCASAL.

“In June the brigade was made up of 43 hosts and they assisted around 3,000 visitors in the different points of greatest tourist influx,” said Lizárraga Torrez, clarifying that these points were Plaza 9 de Julio, San Francisco Church, San Bernardo Convent, Parque San Martín, Cable Car and Monument to General Güemes.

Regarding the creation, the head of the Visitor Service Centers Directorate emphasized that “we seek the best experience for the visitor, with quality, in search of excellence and thus reach all those who visit us, beyond the tourism offices”.

He also highlighted that for future professionals who will be in the tourism activity, it is very important that they have increasing knowledge of what is called the “terrain”, and can deal directly with tourists.

“This is the professionalizing practice on the street with the tourist, outside the counter, which clearly shows that when they receive them they already know how to offer a quality service,” highlighted Lizárraga Torrez.

During these two long weekends, a total of approximately 3,000 visits were made to Salteños from the interior and visitors from Buenos Aires, Ushuaia, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Mendoza, San Juan, Neuquén, La Rioja, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, Brazil and Chile that arrived in the city.

Experience and confidence for students

The Host Brigade that was launched is becoming increasingly visible in the urban landscape when tourists arrive in Salta. The number of members of these teams who receive training at the Tourism Entity varies according to the time. Rosa Lízarraga Torrez, director of visitor service centers, pointed out that these brigades include university and tertiary students. “The times in which you will see them perform are carnival, Easter, in this month of June with two long weekends, they will also be integrated in July and whenever the season warrants.” She highlighted the experience they acquire is unique since “everything they learn in the classroom is provided. At first contact on the street with fear, and sometimes shame, but as the days pass they gain confidence, security and then they leave proud of the task they accomplish.”

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