Santiago de Cuba delegation champions the School Games

Santiago de Cuba delegation champions the School Games
Santiago de Cuba delegation champions the School Games

Santiago de Cuba, June 22 (ACN) The delegation of Santiago de Cuba to the 60 National School Games was flagged today in the Santa Ifigenia cemetery, in this city, motivated by the 71st anniversary of the assault on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks.

The insignia of the indomitable sports movement was presented to Aarón Núñez, an outstanding handball athlete, by Beatríz Johnson, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the province, Manuel Falcón, governor, and Lisbeth Ramírez, first secretary of the Union of Young Communists in the southeastern territory.

Núñez told the Cuban News Agency the pride that such an important task represents, and, in addition, affirmed the commitment to improve or preserve the second overall place by provinces achieved in the previous edition of the contest.

He pointed out the relevance of holding the ceremony in the heritage cemetery, the site where important figures of sports, culture and politics of the Caribbean nation rest, such as Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, who was a faithful promoter and defender of that sector.

Kamila Pérez, taekwondo athlete, expressed the responsibility of maintaining ethical conduct, based on discipline, unity, courage, will and dedication, in order to achieve victory.

Lisbeth Eamírez urged them to play fair and respectfully against rivals, to enjoy every attempt to reach the podium, as well as to be faithful to the legacy of which they are a continuation.

The event was conducive for participants to place loose flowers in front of the monolith that treasures the ashes of the greatest athlete, the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution.

To be held throughout the country from July 1st to 15th, the National School Games constitute the quarry of high-performance national sports.

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