They seek to add the gender perspective to the language in the Council

They seek to add the gender perspective to the language in the Council
They seek to add the gender perspective to the language in the Council

The Gender and Diversity Commission of the Deliberative Council is debating a project that seeks to implement a guide for the use of language with a gender perspective in its area and also in the Executive Department.

In this framework, she had contact with Jimena Boland Castilla, director of the Gender and Parliamentary Equity Observatory of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, an organization created in 2019, which has already put into operation a non-sexist language guide to apply to the editorial staff. of laws.

“Non-sexist is that linguistic resource that allows people to be named without prioritizing, excluding, or valuing one gender over the others, with the aim of making gender diversities visible,” said Boland Castilla, citing the guide that he already published. available to the councilors of Córdoba.

In a second meeting, the Gender and Diversity commission met at the headquarters of the Iplamu (Institute of Municipal Planning), where it sought the opinion of Sofía De Mauro, Doctor of Letters, and Paola Bonavitta, Doctor in Social Studies of Latin America, both from their status as specialists in language and communication.

“Our objective is to include everyone and for that we are reviewing options in the way of naming accurately, including in legislative texts, so that no one feels marginalized. There should also not be differences that value one gender over the other. The idea is to contemplate diversity,” explained Councilor Soledad Zarazaga, president of the commission.


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