Alperovich’s family issued a statement defending him after the conviction against him for sexual abuse

Alperovich’s family issued a statement defending him after the conviction against him for sexual abuse
Alperovich’s family issued a statement defending him after the conviction against him for sexual abuse

The family assures that he is innocent. Photo: Nicolas Stulberg

After the conviction of the former governor of Tucuman, Joseph Alperovichto 16 years in prison for sexual abusehis family released a statement this Sunday in which they insist on their innocence and question the preventive detention that weighs on the former leader of Peronism. “We want and need the truth to be known”they stressed and assured that he is innocent.

“We, the family of José Alperovich, want and need the truth to be known,” the document begins.

And he argues: “José is innocent of the charges for which he was convicted in the first instance.” and we will not stop until we can prove it. This will be evident, without a doubt, by the judges who will review the irrefutable evidence that demonstrates the truth.”

Alperovich was charged with nine crimes of attempted abuse, simple abuse and aggravated abuse with sexual intercourse. Photo: Nicolas Stulberg

In this sense, they stated: “The preventive detention to which José Alperovich is subjected is, furthermore, unnecessary and a procedural injustice for a man who was always within the law, who never evaded judicial authorities nor attempted under any circumstances to influence, hinder or avoid the judicial process. During these five eternal years in which this first judicial instance was underway, José Alperovich did not leave the country and never left us, his family.

“Today we are his children, his wife, his grandchildren, all his family and friends, more than ever united and fighting together so that he knows the truth. José’s roots are undeniable, His willingness and active participation to prove his innocence during all these years has been amply demonstrated. It never had, nor will it have any action or intention to evade or hinder this process, of which a substantial part remains, which is the broad review before a Superior Court of the sentence adopted by the Single Judge who intervened in the trial,” the statement continues. .

“We want and need the truth to be known,” said his family. Photo: Nicolas Stulberg

At the end of the text, they affirmed, again, that Alperovich is innocent and questioned the judge’s orders: “We are sure that we will be able to prove José’s innocence. A judge who debates with his conscience alone the decision to imprison a man for the rest of his life may be wrong, and In this case he was wrong.”

José Alperovich was convicted of sexual abuse of his niece. Photo: Nicolas Stulberg

“There is a Superior Court made up of three judges that must broadly review the ruling. While that time passes, our father, grandfather, brother and friend deteriorates physically and mentally, going beyond any fair punishment for someone who is first innocent and has no criminal record. But, furthermore, this sentence is not final and José has always been at the disposal of Justice,” they added.

And they stressed: “The sentence and sentence that was handed down in the first instance against José is even higher than that of homicide. José is experiencing that atrocious punishment todaywithout even having gone through the review of the three judges that our Justice system contemplates to minimize the errors that a single judge may have that debates alone.

“We will not rest until José Alperovich’s innocence is proven,” the statement closes.

He Former governor of Tucumán was sentenced to 16 years in prison last Tuesday. He is accused of sexual abuse and the victim is his niece.

“A judge who debates with his conscience alone the decision to imprison a man for the rest of his life can be wrong, and in this case he was wrong,” said his family. Photo: Nicolas Stulberg

The oral and public debate began on February 5. There he was tried for a total of nine crimes of attempted abuse, simple abuse and aggravated abuse with carnal access.

Then, 15 hearings were held until, finally, this Tuesday Alperovich was convicted.

His niece is 35 years younger than him. She worked for the former governor in the electoral political campaign that was trying to relocate him for the fourth time to the governorship of Tucumán during the 2019 elections.

According to the investigation, the crimes occurred between December 14, 2017 and March 26, 2018 in the cities of San Miguel de Tucumán and Yerba Buena, and in a department of Alperovich, located in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Puerto Madero, at which time he occupied a seat in the national Senate.

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