Rehabilitation or torture? The serious reality of some treatment centers in Colombia

Santiago Erazo, a young man whose family forced him to enter a rehabilitation center to treat his addiction, narrates a chilling experience. Instead of receiving the support he needed, the young man points out that he experienced what he describes as a true hell. Alleged physical and psychological torture would be part of his daily routine at the foundation to which he was sent.

Unfortunately, cases like yours are not isolated, and Séptimo Día
He met several families who are desperate, looking for a solution that seems increasingly distant.

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The case of Davian Cundumí is even more tragic. At the age of 20, his family decided to admit him to a foundation in Bogotá in the hope of saving him from his drug addiction. However, the young man found death instead of rehabilitation. His relatives claim that he died due to irregularities at the center.

In Villavicencio, Séptimo Día discovered two parallel stories that show the seriousness of the problem. One family hospitalized their young son, while another entrusted the care of an older adult to the same clinic. Now they claim that the center violated all appropriate standards of care to treat these addictions. These complaints reflect the situation that many families face in their search for help for their loved ones.

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The Colombian Drug Observatory reported that there are more than 700,000 people addicted to psychoactive substances in the country, and about half require specialized care. However, the lack of regulation and oversight in many rehabilitation centers poses serious risks. Séptimo Día investigated these complaints and consulted the authorities responsible for monitoring these places.

This episode of Séptimo Día reflects the urgent need for strict and effective supervision of rehabilitation centers in Colombia. The stories of Santiago Erazo, Davian Cundumí and the families in Villavicencio are a call to action to ensure that places meant to save lives do not become scenes of abuse and tragedy.

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