He suffered microsleep and crashed into a construction separator on the Manizales road

He suffered microsleep and crashed into a construction separator on the Manizales road
He suffered microsleep and crashed into a construction separator on the Manizales road

Irra firefighters attended a traffic accident this Sunday on the Irra -Juntas route, of the Manizales – Medellín road.

A private vehicle heading towards Medellín collided with a work separator.

According to reports, The driver had a microsleep and collided head-on, resulting in the opposite lane, due to the blow.

The woman was alone and was unharmed.

How to avoid microsleeps?

The National Road Safety Agency (ANSV) discloses five basic recommendations to avoid microsleeps:

1. REST: It is essential to sleep well two days before a long trip, for an average period of 8 hours; When hours of sleep are subtracted, it becomes more difficult to concentrate, response times in the event of an eventuality are reduced, unnecessary risks are assumed, and individuals become more irritable when driving.

2. EAT WELL: Drowsiness after eating is because the digestive system requires a lot of blood flow to process food in the small intestine. This inevitably means that other parts of the body receive less energy, mainly the brain and muscles. There are foods that can contribute to this phenomenon, for example, white rice has a high glycemic index, this causes drowsiness, although it does not do so immediately but three or four hours later; In general, foods high in saturated fats, carbohydrates and sugars can trigger micro sleep.

3. MAKE ACTIVE PAUSES: It is essential to take an active break every 2 hours of travel or 200 kilometers. In these spaces it is important to stretch physically, have a coffee or a bottle of water, it is suggested that breaks range between 5 and 15 minutes in safe spaces.

4. HAVE A SUITABLE ENVIRONMENT: It is very functional to have the radio on, especially with happy music that keeps the driver’s attention or to have a companion who has a pleasant conversation, in addition to avoiding warm temperatures that usually generate a feeling of relaxation that is quite risky.

5. RECOGNIZE PHYSIOLOGICAL INDICATIONS: Experience shows that the human body emits certain indicators before a micro dream materializes, the most common being blinking more frequently and more slowly; difficulty holding your head up (nodding), recurrent yawning and blurred vision.

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