“I’m going back to politics”

“I’m going back to politics”
“I’m going back to politics”

The former mayor of Las Heras, Daniel Orozcobroke the silence and responded to the accusations of his successor in the commune, Francisco Lo Presti. The leader of La Unión Mendocina assured that he left a municipality with a surplus and with a cash fund of more than 8 million dollars. He also revealed that he will return to working in politics.

Orozco’s public reappearance comes after the indictment of his wife, Janina Ortiz, by aggravated coercion and threats. In the coming days, the suspended provincial deputy will be formally accused of an alleged public administration fraud in the case known as the “ghost cooperative.”

Faced with these accusations, Orozco stated this Monday on the program “Opinion” from LVDiez, who during his eight years of management in the municipality “We never stop doing things as the Law said”.

In this sense, he considered that the causes he and his Ortiz face are “a dirty war and a political armed”.

In mid-April of last year, Orozco surprised by separating from Cambia Mendoza and becoming a candidate for vice-governor of La Unión Mendocina (LaUM), accompanying Omar de Marchi on the ticket. The adventure did not go as expected: Alfredo Cornejo won the provincial elections and in Las Heras, Francisco Lo Presti defeated his dolphin, Martín Bustos.

Lo Presti created a parallel municipality In my second term, I realized it when I left Cambia Mendoza. He let me down as a person and friend.”Orozco emphasized. “We denounce him for illicit enrichment, that case is sleeping“he added.

Defiantly, the doctor announced that he will continue to provide evidence about the alleged increase in the personal assets of the current mayor and will begin to disclose “the businesses around Lo Presti, which are currently in the municipality”.

Overnight, he got a house in La Bastille when he was living in a neighborhood house or showing up with high-end cars“, he pointed out.

During the interview, Orozco revealed that he is “proud” of his management in the Municipality of Las Heras and announced that together with a team of notaries and accountants he carried out an audit of his eight years of management.

Lo Presti lied when he said that we left him a broken municipality. When we left we left him a box worth more than 8 million dollars, at the value of that date. The bonus was already paid, we left the suppliers paid on account in 30 days”, he stated.

Along the same lines, the former mayor of Las Heras from 2015 to 2023 highlighted that in his eight years of management “We increased our assets by 175%, and we lowered current expenses from 85 to 50%. We had a fiscal surplus in my seven years in office, all approved by the Court of Accounts and the Deliberative Council”.

Regarding the audit carried out by the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of CuyoAt the request of the current mayor, Orozco classified it as not being objective.

In the photo of the audit presentation you can see the President of the Court of Accounts, Néstor Parés, who was my internal rival in 2015. Next to him, Lo Presti, who disappointed me as a person and friend. How credible can that audit be with those people. That photo is not to my liking”Orozco exclaimed.

Finally, the former candidate for lieutenant governor did not rule out his return to political activity. “This gives me strength to continue working in politics. I am going to return to work in politics to improve my department”, he concluded.

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