Communities of the Sierra Nevada hope that total peace will come to them

Communities of the Sierra Nevada hope that total peace will come to them
Communities of the Sierra Nevada hope that total peace will come to them


‘La Paz Total’, the flagship program of President Petro’s government that seeks peace, harmony and coexistence of all actors in the armed conflict, is elusive for residents in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, who do not lose hope of being part of the same.

The lack of a dialogue table has been the cause of the protests, blocking roads and affecting the regional economy, as occurred with the seizure of the Caribbean Trunk, near the town of Guachaca, a rural area of ​​the District of Santa Martha.

As the mountain communities have expressed, in each meeting with representatives of the National Government when they are attended to, they state that they are already tired of the whistling of bullets, between the armed groups outside the law and the State forces represented by the Army. and the National Police.

Social and community leaders, peasants, indigenous people, settlers and Afro-descendants who live in the Sierra in the jurisdiction of Magdalena, Cesar and La Guajira, are willing to do anything to be heard.

This was made known to the High Commissioner for Peace of the National Government, Otty Patiño, through the delegate of the Ministry of the Interior who came as a ‘firefighter’ to put out the ‘fire’ of the strike of the Troncal del Caribe for a period of 48 hours. performed

Alex Pinzón Montero, Civic and Community leader of the Troncal del Caribe, and Baudilio Valencia Roa, Community leader of Guachaca, along with several other leaders carry on their shoulders this initiative that seeks to include all the actors in the conflict and its victims. in the Total Peace Program.

On June 13 at the Calabazo District Educational Institution, Franklin Castañeda Villacob, director of Human Rights of the Ministry of the Interior, and several delegates sat at the table to draw up a roadmap.

For the District government, Jennifer Del Toro Granados, High Councilor for Peace, Camilo George Díaz, Secretary of the District Government, retired Colonel Gustavo Berdugo Garavito, Secretary of Security and Coexistence, among others, were part of this pre-agreement table.


The request of the mountain communities that initiated the first approaches with the commission appointed by the National Government to study the possibility of their inclusion in the ‘Total Peace’ program of President Gustavo Petro is based on five essential points.

The implementation of the peace agreement is sought, where it is expected to specify progress in compliance with the Framework Plan for the Implementation of the Peace Agreement, in the issues that are the responsibility of the national government for the Sierra Nevada,

Define investment projects to strengthen legal economies: agriculture and tourism, where it is expected to grant special credits for the purchase of land to cooperatives and producer organizations in the Sierra Nevada; provide incentives for communities that live in the Sierra Nevada park and Tayrona Natural Park, promoting productive environmental protection projects: Families for total peace and granting housing improvements for the rural sector, prioritizing households headed by women.

Social equipment for peace, which seeks to arrange the construction of 3 libraries for the Sierra Nevada, jurisdiction of Santa Marta and to arrange the provision of cultural spaces in the paths of the Sierra Nevada, jurisdiction of Santa Marta.

Social services for peace, where it is expected to link 100% of children under 5 years of age who live in rural areas to the ICBF offer; 100% of Educational Institutions in rural areas articulated with technical training programs; 100% of students in rural areas with food supplies; assignment of school counselors for educational institutions in rural areas; enable telemedicine services for dispersed areas of the Sierra Nevada and implement special public health models for the Sierra Nevada.

Monitoring and implementation of commitments, to establish the commission to monitor, promote and verify the peace agreement in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, with the participation of the communities; political and social leadership programs for members of parties and social organizations; Comprehensive Security and Protection program for communities and organizations in the territories.

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