They investigate whether the missing minor passed through San Juan

They investigate whether the missing minor passed through San Juan
They investigate whether the missing minor passed through San Juan

While the search for Loan Danilo Peña has the country in suspense, the boy from Corrientes who disappeared 11 days ago and is suspected of being a victim of trafficking, three people reported that they saw him in San Juan. Due to this, the judicial authorities informed the Federal Justice to take measures in this regard and investigate the complaints.

According to judicial sources, the complaints were made in three different police stations, and in all cases, the complainants claimed to have seen the 5-year-old child. This led the Generic UFI to take action on the matter and transfer suspicions to the Federal Court.

Although the Goya prosecutor’s office is investigating the federal crime of human trafficking, the local investigators who received the complaints are collaborating in the search by reviewing the security cameras of Cisem and individuals. Additionally, they are interviewing people who could have witnessed the alleged sightings.

The sources indicated that one of the complainants claimed to have seen a child with Loan’s physical characteristics in the Híper Libertad, while another person who went to the authorities claimed to have seen him getting off a bus in the Rawson area. There was also a third complaint, although no details were revealed, it was mentioned that it has similarities with the others.

Given these suspicions, the coordinating prosecutors of the Genérica UFI, Daniela Pringles and Ignacio Achem, provided their collaboration in all the proceedings and sent the file to the court of Leopoldo Rago Gallo.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that people claim to have recognized Loan in places other than where they believe he could be. A few days ago, there were those who claimed to have seen him in Ciudad del Este, which led to the initiation of the respective investigations.


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