Marelbys Meza: By polygraph to Marelbys Meza, Military Prosecutor’s Office inspects the Casa de Nariño

Marelbys Meza: By polygraph to Marelbys Meza, Military Prosecutor’s Office inspects the Casa de Nariño
Marelbys Meza: By polygraph to Marelbys Meza, Military Prosecutor’s Office inspects the Casa de Nariño

Marelbys Illustration

Photo: Ñiampira

Sources from the Casa de Nariño confirmed to this newspaper that for a few minutes, the Military Criminal Justice Prosecutor’s Office has been inspecting the Casa de Nariño and nearby buildings. The purpose of the visit of these authorities has to do with the polygraph test carried out on Marelbys Meza, former nanny of Laura Sarabia, right-hand woman of President Gustavo Petro.

The sources consulted say that what they are looking for with the inspection, which is also carried out at the Galán Building, is to reconstruct the step by step of how the test carried out on Meza on January 30, 2023 was carried out. On the part of the Presidency, There was no type of obstacle and the doors were opened for the different investigations to be carried out.

In the case of the allegedly irregular polygraph test on Meza, the Attorney General’s Office is investigating Colonel Carlos Feria, head of the Presidential Protection Office; and the head of the Polygraph Office of the Security Studies Group, Captain Elkin Augusto Gómez Gutiérrez; and Mayor Jhon Alexander Sacristán Bohórquez.

According to the investigating entity, the three uniformed officers had committed the crimes of embezzlement by use, abuse of public office and illegal constraint. Additionally, in the case of Mayor Sacristán, the Prosecutor’s Office is investigating him for the crime of aggravated abusive access to a computer system.

Apparently, says the Prosecutor’s Office, Colonel Feria ordered to locate money that was lost from the residence of Laura Sarabia, then Gustavo Petro’s chief of staff, on January 29, 2023. Likewise, the investigating entity maintains that Feria “would have arranged of an official vehicle to transport Marelbys Meza from his residence in Soacha (Cundinamarca), to the Galán building, where the Casa de Nariño Polygraph Room operates”, which is also being inspected this Monday.

The Feria case has been in dispute between the ordinary justice system and the Military Criminal Justice, which seeks to be in charge of the investigations against the uniformed officers, especially Colonel Feria. The judicial official, Lieutenant Colonel Jhon Eduardo Niño Villán, requests that the file against Feria be placed in his office, since, in his opinion, the facts for which Feria is being investigated are related to his service as a member Police asset.

Currently, the case against Feria is in the hands of the Attorney General’s Office, which has already accused him and called a trial. The Military Criminal Prosecutor’s Office, for its part, maintains that Feria would have carried out a series of actions that were directly related to his function: taking care of every detail related to the security of the president and those around him at that time. Among those people, Laura Sarabia, who at the time of the investigation, served as head of the presidential office. “There is no doubt that the polygraph practice was not done as a method to verify the security of the presidential environment. And if that use was improper, it is an excess of his functions.”

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