80% of users spend 30 thousand pesos every two months and consider making the bill monthly

80% of users spend 30 thousand pesos every two months and consider making the bill monthly
80% of users spend 30 thousand pesos every two months and consider making the bill monthly

The company pointed out that the increases are related to the need to balance the accounts and the current state of deterioration. In total, there are three increases that were signed by the Executive: 190% for the second two months, to be invoiced in February with due date in March; 52% for the third two-month period, starting in April with expiration in May; and 24.92% for the fourth two months of 2024, expiring in July.

“This is the last increase of the year, they occurred within the framework of the rescue of the company and the balance of internal numbers. Aguas Santafesinas was on the verge of bankruptcy,” he explained Dario Boscaroldirector of the Company in dialogue with AIR.

READ MORE ► Aguas Santafesinas: the increasingly expensive rate and the possibility of micrometers as a way of saving

Dario Boscarol in AIR 3.jpg

The director of Aguas Santafesinas, Darío Boscarol, referred to the increases in the rate.

Increases in Aguas Santafesinas: how much Santa Fe users pay

With all the increases of the year, Boscarol indicated that “80% of users, on average, have a rate of 30 thousand pesos bimonthly, 15 thousand monthly, that is, four packs of cigarettes per month“.

READ MOREEmergency of Aguas Santafesinas: “The deficit is very large and we have proposals for reforms that involve debates”

“The rate only covers 10% of operating expenses, the objective for this year is to reach 70%,” clarified the official, while the company began a process focused on three aspects: reducing internal expenses, increasing efficiency and the increase in rates that allows correcting imbalances between income and expenses.

“We reduced the number of overtime hours, cell phones in use, telephones, personnel in unnecessary places. We hope that the reduction is 10% of our budget,” said Boscarol.

Increases in Aguas Santafesinas: a monthly fee?

Boscarol also referred to the impact that the Aguas Santafesinas rate increase had on the families and merchants of Santa Fe. Thus, he recognized three effects: “a certain delay at the time of payment, but without an increase in delinquency. Secondly, there is an increase in the order of micrometers, that is, those that warn that in a house where few live people get a big bill and start asking for installation.

Meanwhile, the third aspect that the company representative highlighted is the specific possibility that they are evaluating about monthlyizing the collection of the Water bill. “Monthly billing makes payment easier. It has not yet been implemented, but it will probably be up and running in two months.“, advancement.

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