Second leader of the FARC dissident Dagoberto Ramos is discharged in Cauca

Second leader of the FARC dissident Dagoberto Ramos is discharged in Cauca
Second leader of the FARC dissident Dagoberto Ramos is discharged in Cauca

In the last hours the Military Forces dealt a blow against the Dagoberto Ramos structure of the self-proclaimed Central General Staff of the FARC dissidents, in Cauca.

In coordination with the Police, the troops reached the Potosí village, rural area of ​​Toribío, where a commission of this criminal group remained, accused of criminal actions such as forced recruitment of minors, extortion, kidnapping, selective homicides, drug trafficking, among others. .

There was a fight there in which alias Junior or Fito diedsecond leader of that organized armed group.

According to information held by the authorities, This 31-year-old man had been committing crimes for eight of those years. He would have participated in the planning and execution of several terrorist actions against the civilian population and the Public Force.

Alias ​​Fito is accused of having participated in the homicide of two indigenous people in 2020 in the rural area of ​​Toribío (Cauca).

Just as in the attack with a car with explosives to the Toribío Mayor’s Office in March 2021.

He is also assigned to the crime of four police officers in Santander de Quilichao in June 2021 and in Toribío in October of last year.

Alias ​​Junior or Fito, had a current arrest warrant, issued by the First Municipal Ambulante Criminal Court with Guarantees Control function of Popayán, for the crime of aggravated conspiracy to commit a crime, and Terrorism.

At this time, military operations continue in that region with the objective of locating the other members of the commission who had managed to flee.

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