Orrego will meet with Guillermo Francos for public works for San Juan

Orrego will meet with Guillermo Francos for public works for San Juan
Orrego will meet with Guillermo Francos for public works for San Juan

The governor of San Juan, Marcelo Orrego, will meet this Tuesday, June 25, around 4 p.m., with the Chief of Staff of the Nation, Guillermo Francos. The president traveled to Buenos Aires with the Minister of Economy, Treasury and Finance, Roberto Gutiérrez, and with his counterpart of Infrastructure, Water and Energy, Fernando Perea. The main reason for the meeting is to continue with the negotiation for the continuity of public works in the province.

San Juan is in full negotiation with the Nation for the continuity of two key works in the provincial territory, the Zonda Tunnel and Route 40 South. Both are financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and need the OK of the Nation to unlock these funds, since the national fund functions as insurance for the international organization. This is why Orrego was accompanied by both Gutiérrez and Perea.

Orrego will be part of the list of leaders of Together for Change (JxC) who will meet with Francos in his office in front of the Patio de las Palmeras, in the Casa Rosada. Among those confirmed are also Maximiliano Pullaro, from Santa Fé; and Claudio Poggi, from San Luis. Each of the governors will have time alone and face to face with the national official.

Likewise, Orrego, Pullaro and Poggi, along with the rest of the JxC leaders were summoned. The request of the dialogue governors is to replace the co-participating funds that were removed when the fourth category of the Income Tax was withdrawn by decision of the former Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa. They also ask that the changes in the Personal Property Tax contained in the original text of the Base Law approved in April in Deputies be maintained. The Senate voted against them and now it remains to be seen whether the Lower House will maintain the modifications or stick to the original text.

This is part of the negotiation that the national Government is making so that the deputies who represent the provinces with dialogue-friendly governors vote in favor of the Bases Law when it returns to the Chamber of Deputies.


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