Municipality of Tolima receives humanitarian aid after floods

Municipality of Tolima receives humanitarian aid after floods
Municipality of Tolima receives humanitarian aid after floods

In response to the devastating floods that have affected the municipality of El Espinal, the Government of Tolima has deployed a humanitarian aid operation in coordination with the municipal administration and the San Rafael Hospital.

What are the aids?

The departmental government team, together with local representatives, went to the Belén neighborhood, in Espinal, one of the areas most affected by the recent torrential rainfall. The support mission included the distribution of used clothing, markets, mats and personal hygiene kits to affected residents, providing immediate relief to those who have lost their belongings and are in vulnerable situations.

«Today at the head of Governor Adriana Magali Matiz, We are in El Espinal, helping the inhabitants of the Belén neighborhood, who have benefited from our investments. “We managed to collect a large donation of used clothing, mattresses, hygiene kits, markets and other supplies that are beneficial to these families,” mentioned the Social Manager of Tolima, Diana Cordoba.

Authorities continue to monitor the situation and working on long-term strategies to mitigate the effects of flooding and prevent future catastrophes. The rapid and coordinated response demonstrates the commitment of the Government of Tolima and the municipal administration of El Espinal to the well-being of its citizens.

PHOTO: Departmental and local government of Espinal bring humanitarian aid to the Belén neighborhood. Supplied / El Nuevo Día.


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