In the SRT it is not about anyone: they call for an open assembly in defense of the university media

In the SRT it is not about anyone: they call for an open assembly in defense of the university media
In the SRT it is not about anyone: they call for an open assembly in defense of the university media

The inter-union group that brings together workers from the Radio and Television Services (SRT) of the National University of Córdoba (UNC) calls on the university community and Córdoba society for an assembly this Tuesday, June 25, at 5 p.m. open in defense of public university media. The official proposal to reduce the media offering, with layoffs and voluntary retirements, is generating concern.

The meeting point is the Superior Council, at Avenida Valparaíso 1627 in the city of Córdoba.

As Andrés Oliva, SRT journalist, told this Portal, “the university media board presented the crisis preventive procedure plan that includes 80 more layoffs, the reduction to a single shift of television production and the merger of the two radio stations. AM 580 Radio Universidad and FM 102.3.

This measure, he warned, involves the dismissal of half of the current staff, “with the payment of 50% compensation and the reduction of production to a minimum.”

“From the inter-union, we point to the responsibility of Jhon Boretto, Daniel Barraco and Andrés Biga,” said Oliva, in reference to the rector of the UNC, the president of the board of directors of the SRT – UNC and one of the members.

«After four months of agony and uncertainty, the UNC authorities and the company’s board of directors finally whitewashed their plan: reduce the number of workers by half; dismiss with 50% compensation; unify the two radios; and reduce TV production in a single shift. We need everyone’s support and solidarity! “In the SRT, NO ONE IS LEFT,” states the call.


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