Concern continues about the extreme cold throughout the country: six provinces on alert for this Tuesday

The province of Chubut and Santa Cruz are entirely affected by low temperatures. Snowfall is also expected in Mendoza

According to the latest update of the National Meteorological System (SMN), A large part of the country will be affected by low temperatures this Tuesday. Likewise, there governs a yellow alert which covers the provinces of Between Ríos, Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Río Negro and Chubut. But also, Santa Cruz figure with a double concern since, a part is under yellow alert, while another, under Red alertfor the same reason: extreme cold.

Regarding the province of Buenos Aires, there are several locations that will be hit by low temperatures. The Silver is one of them, and it should be noted that the minimum recorded for this day will be 2 degrees. The same will happen in Berisso and Ensenada.

But the cold will also be felt strongly in different areas, mainly in many towns in the east and south of the province: Castelli, Chascomús, Dolores, General Lavalle, Punta Indio, Tordillo, Pila, Ayacucho, Balcarce, General Guido, Maipú, Madariaga, Mar Chiquita, General Pueyrredón, Benito Juárez, Lobería, Coronel Dorrego, Necochea, Tandil, San Cayetano, Tres Arroyos, Gonzales Chaves.

The lowest temperatures will be recorded this Tuesday in Tandil, with a minimum of -2 degrees, while in Dolores and Castelli, it will drop to -1 degree.

Several towns in the province of Buenos Aires will have temperatures below zero this Tuesday (DyN 162)

Something similar will happen in the cities located in the center, north and west of Buenos Aires. Will be affected: Alberti, Bragado, Chivilcoy, General Viamonte, 9 de Julio, 25 de Mayo, Bolívar, Carlos Casares, Carlos Tejedor, Hipólito Yrigoyen, Pehuajó, Adolfo Alsina, Daireaux, Guaminí, Pellegrini, Salliqueló, Trenque Lauquen and Tres Lomas . In these cases, the minimum will be around 0 degrees.

As for the towns of Entre Ríos, the cold will reach five points: Diamante, La Paz, Nogoyá, Paraná and Villaguay. Precisely, in the provincial capital, this Tuesday the expected minimum is 3 degrees.

The entire province of Chubut is affected by low temperatures. Santa Cruz will have even colder weather and expects heavy snowfall

La Pampa will be affected almost entirely by low temperatures. In fact, Santa Rosathe capital, will register a minimum of -1 degree this Tuesday.

Avellaneda, Pichi Mahuida, Conesa, Adolfo Alsina, San Antonio and Valcheta are the towns of Black river which are also under yellow alert due to cold weather. In addition, the capital of Viedma expects a minimum of -2 degrees.

Patagonia continues under yellow alert and expects low temperatures

In the case of Chubut, the entire province is affected by the yellow alert. What’s more, it is an area that has already been hit hard by the storm. So much so that, after the heavy snowfall, many rural roads were covered by a large amount of accumulated snow, according to reports. South DNA.

Likewise, the minimum temperature that will be recorded in Rawson this Tuesday will be -2 degrees. In the south of the province, in Sarmiento, the expected minimum is -3 degrees; and in Cushamen, to the north, the minimum temperature will drop to -6 degrees.

Chubut is affected by heavy snowfall and expects very low temperatures, which are under yellow alert

In Santa Cruz It is even more complex: the province is divided and two alerts govern. Deseado, Magallanes, Lake Buenos Aires, Río Chico and the Güer Aike mountain range are under yellow alert; while Corpen Aike, another part of Güer Aike and Lago Argentino, under red alert.

In this sense, the city of Río Gallegos will register a minimum of -5 degrees this Tuesday. Meanwhile, in El Calafate will be -7 degrees, just like in Río Turbio. There is also a yellow alert for snowfall.

What’s more, the entire week will be marked by extremely low temperatures in the areas that are under alerts. In fact, the Patagonia will be the coldest region during the next few days.

Yellow alert is in effect in the northwest of the country due to strong winds. In Mendoza, heavy snowfalls are expected

Furthermore, in the province of Mendoza, yellow alert applies for snowfall. “The mountain area will continue to be affected by persistent snowfall, at times intense. Accumulated snow values ​​between 20 and 50 cm high are expected, and may be locally higher. It should be noted that the situation will be accompanied by intense winds that may cause reduced visibility due to suspended snow, especially in high mountain ranges,” states the SMN.

Finally, a yellow alert is also in force for this Tuesday in the northwest of the country, precisely in Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and part of Tucumán due to strong winds.

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