Short story writers for the seventh edition of ‘A patio of stories’ at the La Rioja Library

Short story writers for the seventh edition of ‘A patio of stories’ at the La Rioja Library
Short story writers for the seventh edition of ‘A patio of stories’ at the La Rioja Library


Five short story writers will star in the seventh edition of ‘A patio of stories’, which will take place in the summer at the La Rioja Library, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Two of the authors will be present at the event in person, while another is yet to be determined, and the remaining two will join online.

A new edition presented by the general director of Culture, Roberto Iturriaga, the director of the La Rioja Library, Jesús Ángel Rodríguez, the coordinator of the ‘El color de la gaze’ Reading Club, Ángel Matute, and the Rioja author, and participant, Virginia Ruiz.

Together with Ruiz, who will perform the session on July 17, they will star in ‘A patio of stories’; Ianire Doistua, on July 3; Ismael Ramos, on July 31; Ricardo Menéndez, on August 28; and will close, on September 11, Clara Morales.

The General Director of Culture recalled that the initiative “was born to give continuity to these activities to encourage reading” that does not want to stop “celebrating the fact of talking and chatting around a book in the summer.”

With this, “the library is going to be, if possible, a center of cultural reference, of cultural revitalization, in addition to the functions that libraries have”, in order to “be able to come and enjoy a summer afternoon around books.” “.

Rodríguez, for his part, has described the activity “as one of the most rewarding we can have” in the Library. He has valued the Reading Club ‘The Color of Reading’, since “it specializes in short stories.”

He recalled that in La Rioja we have 122 reading clubs and there are also easy reading clubs -21- that have “book conditions adapted to all types of people.” He highlighted that the total number of people who are participating in the reading clubs is 7,000 people in La Rioja, which “is a very important number and I believe that it will increase and grow.”

Matute, for his part, has recognized that “it is a fascinating and addictive activity”, while highlighting that “it has a social work, which is sharing the impressions of each one who has read the book.” . She has indicated that book clubs are largely made up of “middle-aged” people and that they are mostly women.

Finally, the author of ‘What grows in the cracks’ highlighted that “the library is for my second home”, something that she has extended to the Reading Club, which “is a space that I love.”

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