one occurs in 700 thousand cases

The city of Córdoba is surprised by the birth of quadruplets at the Provincial Maternity Hospital. Multiple births are not common; they occur one in 700,000 cases. And in Argentina there is one every two years.

The first to be born was Laura who weighed 1,300 kilos, followed him Angeline which weighed 1,425, after Victory with 1,370 kilos, and finally, Jordan with 1,670. The quadruplets already have four older sisters.

Quadruplets were born in Córdoba

The children’s parents they were looking for a manwho arrived, but with three more sisters, making a total of seven sisters.

A curiosity about this birth is that by having this number of female daughters the family could apply for presidential sponsorship.

The Provincial Maternity Hospital had to increase the amount of resources for childbirth care. (Provincial Maternity)

The director of the Maternity Hospital, Dr. Luis Ahumada, told The voice What is distinctive about the case is that they were not births through assisted reproduction techniques but rather natural ones and that makes it special.

Although there was a previous case in the country, when Adriana Beramendi from Salta gave birth to quadruplets in Buenos Aires on May 7, 2020, most of the cases were due to assisted fertilization treatments. In Córdoba, natural multiple births have not occurred for many years.

“With 38 years of work as a neonatologist, I have not attended quadruplet births like this case.”said Ahumada. And it was a challenge for the Maternity Hospital staff since they found out that they were going to receive the four babies together.

“The fetal medicine team was prepared to follow the pregnancy very strictly and the mother even had two threats of labor, so we thought they were going to be born much more prematurely,” he said. Luckily, the pregnancy was able to reach the average gestation month that occurs in these cases, which is 30 weeks.

The children were born prematurely, they had difficulty breathing, but they are being treated.

“We think they will evolve well, but we know that there may be complications that force us to take other actions,” said the director.

The quadruplets of Córdoba, under observation

The mother of the quadruplets, Erica Demetrio (42), is admitted to intermediate therapy and is accompanied by her partner. “The father is calm, but I think he still hasn’t fully grasped everything that is coming. “They are very happy,” said the director of the Maternity Hospital.

Both are natives of Trelew, Chubut. And they moved to the San Nicolás neighborhood, in the capital of Córdoba, after getting a job, for medical monitoring of the pregnancy until it came to term this Monday.

“A case like this is not easy to handle in institutions that do not have high complexity,” said Ahumada.

And after the arrival of the children, the Maternity Hospital was prepared with 12 neonatologists working together, and double the usual number of nurses, obstetricians and anesthetists. “It almost doubled the number of doctors,” he added.

The neonatology area revolutionized by the birth of quadruplets. (Provincial Maternity)

“Within half an hour of birth the babies were stabilized, intubated in their incubators, and on medications. “We are very happy for the team,” he highlighted.

The girls shared a placenta and the boy had his own placenta. And he added: “One of the girls has a malformation in a lung that can be cured. She is going to control herself because she often disappears alone, but sometimes you have to try.”

Finally, Ahumada stated that they will observe how the four evolve and then gradually withdraw mechanical assistance. “They would be in the incubator for a month and a half. It may vary according to evolution. “I am optimistic that everything will be fine,” he said.

The family will receive social assistance from the Maternity Hospital with milk, diapers, among others. And they will need help with strollers and other items for the babies.

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