Minint detects losses due to administrative corruption in a gastronomy company in Guantánamo – Radio Guantánamo

Minint detects losses due to administrative corruption in a gastronomy company in Guantánamo – Radio Guantánamo
Minint detects losses due to administrative corruption in a gastronomy company in Guantánamo – Radio Guantánamo

Guantánamo.- Forces of the Ministry of the Interior (Minint) revealed the commission of criminal acts and administrative corruption in a gastronomy company in Guantánamo, in eastern Cuba. A Cuban television report detailed that the investigation of a criminal chain led to the extraction of more than seven million pesos in products that never reached their destination in the Guantánamo municipal Gastronomy company.

The events involved the extraction of merchandise that never reached its final destination, said criminal instructor Juan Martínez Martínez, who assured that one of the elements that makes this case more complex is the number of people who acted as defendants in this case. and the number of companies.

He added that the conciliation between the parties, a rule of economics in companies, was carried out based on the knowledge that the invoices that were extracted from suppliers or suppliers were included and were presented as having certainly entered the company, when they had not. It was like that. The product was diverted and the client company, the Guantánamo gastronomy company, paid that supplier and did not receive any benefit, he explained.

Among the repercussions of this fact is the total decapitalization of the company and its extinction with the subsequent impact on all its workers. Those responsible for these criminal acts, which include the falsification of controls and primary documentation, are subject to criminal proceedings.

Products such as rum, beer, chicken and sausages, among others, were embezzled. The Penal Code provides for these acts of embezzlement with high social costs, sanctions of up to 20 years of deprivation of liberty.

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