Weather alert for extreme cold in six provinces

Weather alert for extreme cold in six provinces
Weather alert for extreme cold in six provinces


While Patagonia faces a polar wave with temperatures below -10°C, The National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued a series of yellow and red level alerts due to extreme cold in six provinces of the country for this Tuesday. At the same time, in 10 other locations there are warnings for heavy rain and strong winds.

In Between rivers, Buenos Aires, The Pampa, Black river, Chubut and Santa Cruz there is a yellow alert for temperatures that could take the mercury below 0 degrees during the day, and that can have a “mild to moderate” effect on health, being dangerous for risk groups such as children, people over 65 years of age and people with chronic diseases.

The affected towns are Diamante, La Paz, Nogoyá, Paraná and Villaguay, in Between rivers; Berisso, Ensenada, La Plata, Alberti, Bragado, Chivilcoy, General Viamonte, July 9, May 25, Bolívar, Carlos Casares, Carlos Tejedor, Pehuajó, Hipólito Yrigoyen, Adolfo Alsina, Daireaux, Guaminí, Pellegrini, Salliqueló, Trenque Lauquen , Tres Lomas, Lobería, Coronel Dorrego, Necochea, San Cayetano, Benito Juárez, Tandil, Ayacucho, Balcarce, General Guido, Maipú, Mar Chiquita, Castelli, Chascomús, Dolores, Lezama, Pila, Tordillo and Punta Indio, in Buenos Aires.

Likewise, Chalileo, Loventué, Limay Mahuida, Curacó, Lihuel Calel, Hucal, Caleu Caleu, Atreucó, Catriló, Conhelo, Toay, Utracán, Quemú Quemú and Guatraché, in The Pampa; Avellaneda, Pichi Mahuida, Adolfo Alsina, Conesa, San Antonio and Valcheta, in Black river; The entire province of Chubut and the north of Santa Cruz will also suffer from the phenomenon.

In the towns of Corpen Aike, Güer Aike and Lago Argentino, south of Santa Cruz, a red alert for the coldwhich will have a “high to extreme” effect on health, and can be very dangerous.

Given this, the SMN recommends:

In Catamarca, Chubut, Jujuy, The Rioja, Neuquen, Black river, Jump and Santa Cruz Another yellow alert is in effect, in this case for intense winds from the western sector that may reach speeds of between 60 and 75 km/h, and gusts that may exceed 110 km/h, especially in the highest areas. Furthermore, in the foothills area, speeds will be between 45 and 60 km/h, with gusts that may exceed 70 km/h.

The national organization defines this type of phenomena as ones with “capacity for damage and risk of momentary interruption of daily activities”, so it is recommended to avoid outdoor activities; securing items that can be blown away; stay informed by the authorities; and always have an emergency backpack ready with a flashlight, radio, documents and telephone.

The SMN warned of the possibility of heavy snowfall in several provinces.Marcelo Martinez

These are not the only areas that will be affected by strong winds, as Catamarca, Jujuy, Jump and Tucuman face a yellow level warning for zonda winds. There, there will be speeds of between 35 and 50 km/h, with gusts that could reach 80 km/h, which may be exceeded from time to time.

This phenomenon can cause reduced visibility, a sudden increase in temperature and conditions of very low relative humidity. Furthermore, it is characterized by being a strong wind, very dry and with a high temperature, which occurs under certain climatic conditions during the period between May and November, in the regions located at the foot of the Andes Mountains from the province of Neuquén. to Jujuy.

For this Tuesday, in Chubut, Mendoza, Neuquen, Black river and Santa Cruz another notice applies possible persistent snowfall in the mountain area. In addition, accumulated snow values ​​between 20 and 40 cm high are expected.


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