Always with La Roja: they invite neighbors to enjoy Chile-Argentina with a free grill and on a giant screen

Always with La Roja: they invite neighbors to enjoy Chile-Argentina with a free grill and on a giant screen
Always with La Roja: they invite neighbors to enjoy Chile-Argentina with a free grill and on a giant screen

As unexpected as it is alarming, perhaps another of the repercussions left by Chile’s parity in its debut against Peru is that now the match against Argentina takes on another relevance: a defeat would leave La Roja in a very bad position in the competition, with the obligation to achieve the three points against Canada and, in principle, waiting for other results. But as happens before each matches, the illusion is renewed. What does it matter that on the other side is the world champion, Lionel Messi or whoever, the motto is to support.

And, for the same reason, the communal authorities of the Pichilemu spa present a very special activity. Framed in Fatherhood Month —celebration delayed due to weather conditions—, The invitation to the inhabitants of the commune is to attend this Tuesdayfrom 8:00 p.m., to the urban sector of the Pista Municipal theater.

A giant screen will be waiting for you with the promise of enjoying the transmission of this clash in the best possible way. crucial for the aspirations of the team led by “Tigre” Gareca.

“The idea is that everyone can enjoy this panorama as a family”said Mayor Cristián Pozo Parraguez, who also stressed that the panorama also includes a free grill and “other surprises.”

The only thing you have to do to participate is schedule your presence through the municipality’s social networks—here its Twitter and Instagram—. In another way, in the Community Development Directorate (Dideco).

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