Senator Castro and Matthei’s statements about drug money in politics: “He passed several towns”

Senator Castro and Matthei’s statements about drug money in politics: “He passed several towns”
Senator Castro and Matthei’s statements about drug money in politics: “He passed several towns”

He Senator PS Juan Luis Castro criticized the mayor of Providencia and presidential letter from the UDI, Evelyn Mattheifor his statements where he said that there are several politicians “who finance themselves with drug money.”

“Every now and then, Evelyn Matthei has outbursts. That is also part of her own political history. I believe that on this occasion, the original claim is that there are politicians financed by drug traffickers, the truth is that I would have to go and prove it. And he threw her with a lot of force, but from there there is proof of that, or that she would have provided proof of that, is another thing,” she said in conversation with Al Pan Pan with Mirna Schindler.

Castro added that with “the first statement that there are financed politicians, wowhe passed several towns. Unless you say that here is the financing of this or that person, or this is the hypothesis that I would indict such politicians financed in this way. Of course, he spoke about the mayor of San Ramón, about Miguel Ángel Aguilera, in his time, we all know that, and that happened, he was convicted, he was imprisoned. But from there to the politicians, I believe that he is taking the flag of a tough niche, “Your competition is to your right.” referring to the Republican Party.

“She exacerbates, irritates in some way, towards the ruling party, raising issues that are main in the rating, public safety, but making exhaustive statements, without a foundation to support it. Be careful with this,” she added.

“I respect Matthei, but I think there was a lingual excess here, of going so far as to say what he says, without having until now, in these days, concrete proof that it is true. So, she also has the duty as a public official to do so, that is, she has a lot of conditioning to be able to prove if that really happened. A candidacy has to have a degree of temperance to be able to unite, it has to lead a block. Reach agreements with his sector. And this unmarking towards the far right makes it difficult for that to help much. Except in the controversy, in the newspaper controversy, in the back-and-forth controversy, yes. But, it is another thing that this has a basis, and sometimes words betray, and in this case, I think it was passed on to several towns, because it put a statement, not a question, a statement that until now has not been able to be proven.” , reiterated his criticisms.

Finally, Castro said that what he stands out about Matthei was the support for “the lifting of banking secrecy, because that has been a flag of the opposition that has never been accessed by the right until now, with a presidential candidate in place. This is a point because the wallet, the account, is what speaks for itself regarding interests or agreements under the table when there are eventual interferences.”

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