Sister Martha Pelloni on the Loan case: “There are scoundrels who take advantage of it for adoptions and pedophilia”

Sister Martha Pelloni on the Loan case: “There are scoundrels who take advantage of it for adoptions and pedophilia”
Sister Martha Pelloni on the Loan case: “There are scoundrels who take advantage of it for adoptions and pedophilia”

Twelve days have passed since the disappearance of the Loan Penathe 5-year-old boy who disappeared on June 13 in the rural area of ​​the town of 9 de Junio, in the province of Corrientes.

Although at first, the judicial authorities ordered a search of the area under the hypothesis that the minor had been “lost”, as the days went by, suspicions grew that Loan had been a victim of human trafficking.

It should be remembered that for his search, the national government assigned specialized personnel and the participation of the Scientific Police, the Argentine Naval Prefecture and the Argentine National Gendarmerie and one of the officials of the Government of Javier Milei who most supports the idea that the child was kidnapped is the Minister of Justice himself, Mariano Cúneo Libarona. As he pointed out in recent hours, human trafficking is “the trafficking hypothesis is the strongest.”

While Argentines are shocked by the disappearance of the minor and the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, traveled to the city of Goya to advance the search, she spoke of the seriousness and background of how the networks of human trafficking in the country, it was the sister Martha Pellonicoordinator of the “Stolen Childhood” network.

Martha Pelloni assured that in human trafficking there can be “delivery of children and pedophilia.” Photo: NA

“In trafficking there can be a mafia where there are abuses and children are handed over,” Rosario analyzed to Cadena 3. “There are scoundrels who take advantage of it for adoptions and pedophilia. I highlighted the figure of the baby (for Loan Pena): sing, dance… And that goes for pornography. The boys are valuable for their skills in the black market,” he assured the Cadena 3 radio station.

Likewise, he highlighted the police cover-up, a suspicion that forced the Justice Department to charge and order the arrest of the commissioner of the town of 9 de Julio.

But Martha Pelloni He went further, and pointed out that there could also be a “judicial cover-up”, because Goya’s Justice was not able to arrive. “In the first week there was no need to search, it was a case of child delivery,” he denounced.

“They take advantage of economic poverty. But the worst poverty is cultural, they are very vulnerable places. They appropriate beliefs because they are people of great faith,” said Pelloni.

In addition, he recalled that together with the “Stolen Childhood” Network he began working on this type of cases in the 90s, and that already at that time they encountered very complex situations.

“We saw trafficking of children to Europe. There were trout adoptions, because at that time there was no need for documents. We also have protective mothers who fight for Justice to return their children abused by other family members,” Martha Pellloni stressed.

And he concluded: “In this case I trust the Federal Justice and Patricia Bullrich, who is in Goya.”

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